Falling Apart

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A few days into your honeymoon, you woke up with Sinon packing her things in a hurry.

"What's wrong?" You asked, shooting up and packing your things too.

"It's Beacon! There's smoke and fire, I heard explosions! We have to get there ASAP!" She said with stress in her voice.

"Let's go! Leave our things here, we can come back for it later." You said frantically as you grabbed your weapons, Sinon grabbed her gear and you hightailed it to the school.

Suddenly, you got a message from Kirito, Klein, and Silica. The message reads:


Where are you guys!? We're under attack and need all the help we can get!


Guys! We need backup! Beacon's under attack! We need support as soon as possible!


Y/N! Sinon! You two need to get over here immediately! The White Fang and Laughing Coffin are releasing Grimm into the school! They leading a full-blown assault on the school! We need you guys here like NOW!

"You were right. The school is under attack, the White Fang and Laughing Coffin are releasing Grimm into the school, leading an assault on the academy!" You said with a chill running down your spine.

Timeskip to Beacon:

When you got there, you found students fighting off the Grimm, Laughing Coffin, and the White Fang all at once. Then one of the worst possible things happened, Atlas droids turned on the Huntsmen and Huntresses, shooting down all the good guys.

You looked up at one of the airships when you noticed it isn't defending the school or doing anything, so you used your Telepathy to connect with the commander of the ship, but instead of the commander, you saw Roman Torchwick on the command console, the centerpiece for all issued commands to the bionic army.

"Shit! Roman's got hold of the command console, I'm going to have to bring it down!" You growled, then you saw Ruby drop onto the airship from another airship.

"Damn! I can't do anything while Ruby's up there!" You thought to yourself as you got to slaying the Grimm, using your chainsaws to effortlessly cut through the monsters.

Sinon, using her handgun and a combat knife, started taking down the hostile robots, then some Paladins showed up and she knew it is time to hightail it out of there.

"Y/N! Have you seen Yang and Blake anywhere? Last I heard Blake was at the fairgrounds chasing an alpha, Yang went after her but I lost communications with them!" Weiss said over text.

You switched to calling her, and she picked up.

"I'll look for them! Stay put, where are you now?" You asked frantically.

"At the landing pads! Please make sure they're alright!" Weiss said nervously.

"I will!" You said sternly.

You went to the docks and saw Blake dragging Yang away from a masked guy who you recognized as Adam Taurus.

"No..." You said upon noticing Yangs and Blake's condition, Blake bleeding profusely from her back and her stomach, Yang missing an arm. This is what you got into.

"Kirito! Klein! Silica! Are you alright!?" You called them via the team call function.

When Kirito picked up, you could hear them all out of breath, but fighting to the last person.

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