Dead Inside

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The next day:

Your team and team RWBY don't have classes so you and the others decided to take time off classes to spend the day in Vale, then you got a message from Ozpin.

"Dear students. Please note that due to personal matters the dance could not go on last month, so we will hold it in a week, before the Vytal Festival. Due to the short notice preparations are to take place from tomorrow.

Regards. Ozpin."

"Dammit. Ah well, at least we still have the day off." You said casually.

"I know, I thought something was up with the dance not coming." Sinon said, deep in thought, still thinking about what you made her promise.

"You're looking forward to it?" You asked Sinon.

"Yeah! It gives me the chance to relax." She said confidently.

"Don't we get to relax most of the time anyway? I mean every second week we have minimal classes on the schedule." You said nonchalantly.

"Nobody likes a smartass!" She said with a chuckle.

"Shots fired!" You replied, chuckling slightly from her reaction.

"Good." She replied slightly sarcastically.

"You win, you win!" You replied casually.

Timeskip fifteen minutes:

As your team and team KKAL are walking through the streets of Vale, you stopped by a diner for lunch.
After your food arrived and you finished eating, you left and everyone saw a girl being held by the throat in a nearby alley.

"We gotta help her! She's a player!" You said sternly.

"Right!" Kirito said as you and the others ran towards the girl in trouble.

"Help me!" The girl whined as the unknown man cuffed her mouth to keep her from screaming further.

You tackled the guy off her before he could react, then you got hit in the face by a rifle stock. The others except for Sinon, also got hit in the face and pinned down by bayonets attached to the guns.

You looked up, your vision blurry from the headshot, and saw a person put a fabric bag over Sinons head, restrain her with handcuffs and shove her in the boot of a vehicle before signaling his friends who hit you and the others again, knocking everyone out.

Timeskip twelve hours:

The sun is starting to set over the city while you and your friends came to.

"Sinon… you okay?" You asked, still dazed with a major headache.

No reply.

"Y/N? You alright?" Kirito asked cautiously.

"Sinon!?" You asked nervously, then you clicked, remembering what happened twelve hours back.

"Y/N… I'm sorry." Kirito said with sympathy.

"I'll find her…" You growled as you clenched your fist.

"We will find her." Kirito said sternly.

"I'm sorry… I'll help too. We all know she means the world to you, so we all will help you." Silica replied.

"It's alright. I appreciate it. Say, where were you when we went on the mission?" You said with a raspy growl.

"I got sent to help an old friend who was being chased by Laughing Coffin. Professor Ozpin said that he received a distress call, so I went to help along with a few other students who wound up without teams." Silica said with an innocent smile.

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