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Cue song: Eye Of The Storm - Bullet For My Valentine:

You blocked your ears from the ear-piercing shriek. You charged at it, but it stretched its arm, forcing you backward and into a wall. Jaune managed to get in close, but got hit back by the Grimm. Sinon tried sniping it, but it kept moving too much and with everyone else moving in she couldn't risk hitting one of her friends.

"Jaune! Get Qrow to safety, I'll cover you!" Ren said as he activated his semblance, rendering Jaune, Qrow, and himself invisible to the Grimm.

Jaune nodded and grabbed the poisoned man, moving him behind some broken-down buildings. When he set him down, Qrow grabbed Jaunes arm, trying to say something, but falling unconscious from the poison.
After getting back to the battlefield, Jaune came up with a plan.

"Guys! Go in a circle, it should make us harder to hit!" Jaune said cautiously.

"Old video game boss tactics, huh?" Kirito said cautiously as he started moving in a circle. Ren and Nora both got pinned to a wall, then Ren looked up to make sure Nora is okay, accidentally looking up her skirt.

"Stop looking!" She said, pulling her skirt down with her only free hand.

"Sorry!" Ren said as he winced, looking down at the ground instead.

You took this opportunity to cut one of the arms, causing it to drop Ren and Nora.

"Ruby! You and I take the arms! Ren, you take the man, Nora, you take the horse. Y/N, Kirito, you take the legs. The rest of you, distract it!" Jaune said sternly as they did their parts, Jaune and Ruby managed to pin the arms down after a big struggle, while you cut two of the legs off and Kirito did the same on the other side.
Nora then did a leap of faith off the nearest, highest building, swinging her hammer down on the head of the horse.

Ren, using a dagger from his boot, cut the one arm off the creature as it shrieked in pain.

"For my mother." He said sternly.

"For my father." He said again, cutting the other arm off.

"For everyone else you've killed." He said, cutting the chest open.

"For me." He said, everything went dead quiet for him as he stared the creature in the eyes. The one who killed his mom and dad in the game.
He then cut the head off, pegging the knife in the head when it hit the ground.

End song.

After making sure that everyone's alright, he grabbed his knife and holstered it in his boot, then an engine could be heard. Everyone saw three medical airships land.

"How did you find us!?" You asked with relief.

"We saw the smoke, must've been a huge Grimm, is anyone injured?" They asked sternly.

"Yes." You said as Jaune came out from behind a building, supporting Qrow.

They loaded him on the airship. Ruby, Jaune, Nora and Ren went with Qrow, while Kirito, Asuna, Lisbeth, and Klein went on the second one. You, Sinon, Silica, and Agil went on the other empty one and got evacuated to Mistral.

As you sat with your legs dangling out of the airship, Sinon approached you, taking a seat next to you and holding your hand as she leaned against you.
You saw Nora do the same thing to Ren, who is surprised by her actions based on his facial expression. You nodded at him and he understood what you signaled him to do, he went with it.

"We're approaching Mistral now." The pilot said with relief.

"So Ruby!" You called from the airship next to her.

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