Times To Come

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The Vytal Festival has finally arrived, students from all across the world have come for the fighting tournament, while some came for the parade, and others simply came for the talent in the form of pretty women. It has been a week since the dance and the events that went down that night in the CCT. You are watching team RWBY in their first fight, and are impressed with how their teamwork has improved since the first day in this school.
Getting curious, you decided to see how many months it has been since the beginning of the game.
When you opened up the players' list and scoreboard, you saw the timer at eight months, twenty-two days, forty-five minutes.

"How many months?" Sinon asked curiously.

"Eight months, twenty-two days." You said with shock.

"So this must've been life in SAO, just for two years..." Sinon asked, the thought suddenly crossed her mind.

"Yeah, just SAO had way more player killers and threats, I mean the size of the safe zones is huge compared to the maps. Apparently visiting villages, towns and other cities unlocks them as safe zones and fast travel points, but only for players who have discovered those areas." You replied nonchalantly.

"Y/N... mind if I talk to you outside, about something I've been thinking about for a while?" Sinon asked nervously.

"Sure." You said as you let her go first, then you heard the announcements for the winner.

"And the winner is Team RWBY! What an astonishing finish from Yang Xio Long assisted by Blake Belladonna and Weiss Schnee!" Port announced over the cheering crowd.

"Congrats team RWBY!" You yelled over the crowd as you exited the arena.

"So what did you want to talk about?" You asked casually.

"Well... I want..." She started, blushing intensely.

"Go on." You said with a comforting smile.

"Well... I was thinking, when we get out of the game... I want to have sex with you." She said nervously, blushing intensely.

"You do?" You asked with suprise.

"Yes! I love you, and I want to give you all of me." She said nervously.

"If you want to and feel like you're ready for that." You said cautiously.

"If you feel like it's too soon, then please say..." She said with a blush.

"No, I want to as well, I just don't want you to feel rushed into anything." You said politely.

"There's one more thing, we've leveled up quite a bit, in fact we can almost go fight the boss, all we need to do is complete about twenty well - rewarding quests, or hunt more Grimm and Terrorists." Sinon said happily.

"You're right. If we keep leveling up at this rate, we should all reach level 450 in a matter of a few weeks. Then we should be about as powerful as the boss hopefully." You said proudly.

"This is almost over. We will make it out of the game soon." She said excitedly.

"I'll make sure of it." You said confidently.

"Daddy! I have an update on the boss!" Yui said to Kirito.

"Let's hear the news." Kirito said nervously.

"She has Laughing Coffin working for her, along with seven other individuals who aren't showing up on the characters database?" Yui said skeptically.

"Aren't showing up on the database? You mean like they're in the game, but aren't showing up as AI or Players?" Kirito asked nervously.

"They not showing up at all. Not as human or AI, their information isn't on either Player or AI? This could be bad, for all we know they could be amongst us by now!" Kirito said nervously.

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