First Date

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The next day your team had no classes and decided to spend the day out in town. You specifically, decided to take Sinon on a suprise date.

"Hey, you said you always wanted to go to a concert, right?" You asked casually.

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" She asked with a hint of excitement building.

"Because... I just got us two tickets to Roxette!" You said excitedly.

"No! You didn't!? I didn't even know Roxette was here?" She said excitedly with a hint of confusion.

"Well, apparently the designer of this game decided to emulate some famous bands into this world. They are AI's, sadly. But they sound and seem identical to the real people." You said happily.

"You did this, for me?" She squealed with excitement.

"Yup. I figured we could use a break from everything, so here's our chance to let loose." You said, extremely happy she likes the suprise.

"I absolutely love it. You really shouldn't have!" She said with more sparkle in her eye than you've ever seen.

"Well, want to get going? It starts in an hour, so we have enough time to make it there." You asked with a smile.

"Of course! What kind of stupid question is that?" She squealed with utter bliss.

One hour later, you made it to the concert, and the concert started:

(Cue song: Listen To Your Heart. Link is at the end.)

"This is my favorite song!" She said while she was in over her head. She screamed and shouted through the whole song.

When the song ended, Sinon flipped out, even more, when the lead singer mentioned her name.

"What did you do now!?" She shrieked happily.

"I called in a few favors." You said casually as they sang the next song for her as your request.

(Cue song: Church Of Your Heart)

She flipped out from this one, not only because the designer of this game added her favorite band into the game, but you managed to get tickets and call a favor from them. Sure, they are AI's, but she appreciates it, deeply.

"Y/N! This is too much! There has to be something I can do to make it up to you! You're the best!" She yelled over the music.

"You already made it up to me!" You said as you gazed into her eyes, she immediately knew what you meant and smiled as she rocked out at the concert.

After that song ended, the band played another popular song.

(Cue song: June Afternoon.)

Sinon couldn't control herself at this concert. She loved them so much that you saw another side of her that you never thought you'd see. You were happy that she was so happy. You've never seen her smile so much in one moment, it was truly a magical moment for you and her alike.

Eventually, after a few hours, the concert came to an end, and everyone left, save for you and Sinon.

"Wait right here." You said to Sinon as she nodded, seeming confused.

"I know this sounds weird, but can I get your scarf for a second?" You asked casually.

"Sure?" She asked as she handed you the scarf.

"Now, turn around and don't look until I return." You said with a sly smile.

"Alright, Mr. President." She mocked as she turned around and kept staring at the entrance.
A few minutes later, you returned with her scarf.

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