Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:

Chresanto P.O.V:

I was at home with mom, cooking lasagna. Yeah, I'm a momma's boy. The radio was on and my mom was dancing and singing to almost every song that played. 

When the lasagna was in the oven, my mom turned down the volume. 

mom: chresanto, let's sit.

We both sat down and she started the discussion. 

mom: are you still with Bella at all?


me: no mom. why?

mom: good. i can now sense a lot of trouble coming from her. Do you have a girlfriend?

me: no, but I have my eye on a particular girl. She's beautiful ma, you don't understand. Her personality is amazing. 

mom: ooohh, what's her name?

me: Jazlyn Simmons.

mom: Simmons? 

me: yeah mom. Is anything wrong? 

mom: no, nothing. 

My phone started ringing and I saw that it was Jazlyn. I answered the call.


I didn't hear anything at first, but then I heard her screams. My facial expression changed completely and my mom saw it.

mom: what's wrong?

me: Jazlyn, she's in trouble. I'll be back.

I quickly left and got into my car. I sped down the street only to be stopped by the traffic light. Of course I drove past it, this seemed to be an emergency. I got to her house to see that the door was open.

I walked in to only see Jazlyn on the floor...unconcious. I picked her lifeless body into my car to get to the hospital.

20 minutes later

I sat there in the waiting room, waiting for the doctor to come out. I kept wondering what the hell happened to her. My thoughts were interupted by the others who came for her.

Rhielle: Chresanto, where is she? Is she ok?

me: I don't know. The doctor hasn't come out yet.

We waited a few more minutes until the doctor came out.

Doctor: Jazlyn Simmons?

E/b: yeah.

me: how is she?

doctor: eh, she's okay. Just go to room 216. Enter quietly though, she's asleep.

We all got to the door and entered. I sat on the chair next to her bed. We were all talking about stuff and watching the small tv, then a sharp scream bursted out.

We turned to see that Jazlyn was was awake.

me: Jazzy.

She wasn't looking at me. She was trembling and shaking.

me: hey, hey...look at me. Everything is fine.

Jazlyn: I-its n-not. Cr-Craig...

Cece: What about him. He's out singing and shit. (rolls eyes).

Jazlyn:(cries) H-he r-r-raped me. He b-beat me.

Rayan: Holy shit.

Cece walked out of the room and Elijah followed her out. I clenched my teeth and Rhielle started crying.

Why the hell would Craig do this?

Why would he do it?

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