The Accident pt.52

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The Next Day

Chica's Pov

"Today's the day that I make them break up..... And I already thought of a plan how" I said as I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bucket and went to the cabinet and found a container filled with chocolate but, it was melted so I opened it and dumped it in the bucket and then I grabbed another bucket then grabbed a full bag of flour and dumped it in that bucket and put the buckets on top of the door by opening it a little "And.... There we go! Now I just have to wait" I said as I made a sinister smile and started laughing evilly.

Sadie's Pov

I woke up and found myself in Foxy's arms I smiled and got up slowly trying not to wake him up but, failed "Yawns Oh.... Good morning lass~" He said as he kissed my cheek "Good morning Foxy" I said while blushing and smiling he chuckled and got up and held his hand for me I accepted it and grabbed it and he helped me "Thanks" I said "No problem lass~" He said smiling at me we started hearing voices from outside the cove we went outside and saw them "Oh good morning Sadie, Foxy" Freddy said while smiling at us I kinda gotten used to them but still scared of them "Good morning mateys" Foxy said as he sat down at a chair he looked at me as I kept standing "Come sit on my lap lass" He said I blushed and walked to him and sat on his lap "See... It wasn't that hard now was it?~" He said starting to kiss my cheek I kept blushing "It was hard for me" I said "Ha that's what she said!~" Bonnie said to Freddy while smirking at him "U-Um yeah" Freddy said blushing so much like a tomato "Aw... I like it when you blush~" Bonnie said "Um... Th-Thanks" Freddy said.

Bonnie's Pov

"No problem~" I said seductively he kept blushing a lot "Be right back" I said as I went to my room he started following me but, I pretended I didn't know and when we were both in my room he closed the door and I turned around and pinned him on the wall "B-Bon?" He said "Shh~" I said as I put a finger on his lips and brought him closer "Like I wouldn't notice you were following me teddy bear~" I said "D-Did you call me teddy bear?" He said "Mhm~" I said smirking and getting closer to him he kept blushing so much "Hehe~ Come here big bear~" I said as I kissed him he started kissing me back we started kissing passionately as I slid my tongue in he did the same and we started having a tongue fight and I won we pulled away for breath he was blushing more then ever "Hehe~ Weren't expecting that?~" I said he nodded "Yes... But, we're you expecting this?~" He said as he started kissing my neck I gasped as he did that and I started moaning "Moans F-Freddy~" I moaned out he smirked and switched now he was pinning me to the wall we started seeing our hot breath in the room "Moans F-Fred~" I moaned out he looked at me seductively and he did the Freddy laugh as he started licking my neck then biting into it "Moans Oh Freddy~" I moaned out he pulled away with a saliva trail "Panting a little Yes?~" He said seductively I smirked and started to kiss his neck he gasped a little then started moaning "Moans B-Bonnie~" He moaned out I smirked and slowly walked him to my bed while kissing his neck we plopped on my bed and I sucked on his neck and looked at him seductively "Your mine~" I said.

Sadie's Pov

I was talking until I heard moaning "Is that.... Moaning?" I said curiously "Yeah... That's Freddy and Bonnie having s#x again.... Maybe we can do that someday lass~" Foxy said at me while smirking I squeaked and hid my blushing face "Sadie! Can you come here?" I heard Chica say "Be right back Foxy" I said getting up he nodded and I went to the direction I heard her voice "Where are you?" I hollered out "In the kitchen" I heard her voice again I saw the kitchen door open a little bit "You in there?" I said in front of the door "Yeah" She said I walked in and opened the door wide. That's when something fell on me I looked at my bunny hands and saw chocolate on my hands "Chocolate? Where did this c-"

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