Chapter One

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I wake up groggily trying to recall the memories of last night, I look to my alarm clock realising it is now 5 in the morning and I still have 2 hours before I need to start getting ready for the first day back.

Laying there in the comfort of my bed I embrace the silence that is surrounding me, I sigh in disappointment as I realise my father didn't come home last night " of course he didn't" I quietly mutter to myself trying to bite back the tears threatening to spill.

In an attempt to distract myself from my darkening thoughts I decided that a long hot shower is well over due. Standing under the flowing water letting all my worries and insecurities wash away as I continue to piece together what happened last night.

Me and Scott had ventured out into the preserve in an attempt to find the rest of the body that was discovered by one of my fathers deputy's. We can't of been searching for more then an hour before our attention was drawn to the flashlights and voices of my father and his men. Scrambling around in a hurried panic, adrenaline coursing through our veins we attempted to hide.

However, unfortunately for me I didn't succeed as my father dragged me out from behind the tree only to be met with my regular sarcastic comments. He did no more then dragged my sorry ass home with a look of disappointment clear in his eyes. As he was dragging me away lecturing me on how disappointed he was in me i swear I could feel someone watching. I shiver recalling the feeling of eyes burrowing their way into my soul as I turned to capture a pair of enchanting icy blue eyes. Who was there ? Who did those captivating eyes belong to?

My mind flooded with questions as I stood in the warmth of my shower trying to unravel the mystery. Stepping from the shower a chill covering my body as the cold air washes over my body. Throwing on clothes to protect myself from the cooling air surrounding me.

I stumble down the stairs my clumsiness getting the better of me as I miss the last step and land straight on my arse "dammit" I groan in frustration pulling myself up from the hard floor, grabbing my keys and leaving for school.

My mind still fixed on who that stranger was. Thoughts kept flooding my head as I make my way to school.

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