Chapter Five

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I wake up groggily taking in my surroundings, realising I'm still in the woods I jump up in panic searching for my phone. I can't find it shit shit "shit" I yell the last one, this is just not my day! How long have I been asleep? Suddenly noticing how dark it is around me I begin to shiver as the cold hit me god I should've worn a thicker jacket I think looking down at my thin red hoodie.

I accept that fact that I have lost my phone and brush the dirt off myself "AHHHH" I scream in terror as I feel a spider making its way up my arm oh my god no no no. Panicking I rip my hoodie off and throw it to the floor jumping on it in an attempt to squish the spider.

Recovering from the fear I look around trying to get my bearings in order to figure out my route home. I just spin around in confusion. Fuck it's too dark i can't tell which direction I came from. I begin to feel the fear wrapping its self around me as I struggle to catch my breath oh no not now this can't be happening.

Falling to the floor head in my hands as I choke out a sob my throat feeling tight as my chest feels like it's closing. I can't breath. "Help" I force out my voice weak and I know that no one can hear me but I don't know what else to do.

I feel a warm hand on my shoulder my eyes flicker up as everything begins to get blurry "hey, hey breath okay? Just breath" I hear a familiar voice coo taking in the appearance of the male in front of me I recognise the older guy from earlier. I choke out another cry for help as my vision goes black and my body falls limp.

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