Chapter Twelve

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He hit me. I never would've expected that but I know I shouldn't have pushed it. I knew my grip on his wrist was upsetting him, I could smell it he's never smelt of so much anger or sadness. His reaction was so extreme and the only reason could be a painful memory.

I get knocked out of my thoughts after here a loud slam against the wall in the spare room "fuck sake stiles stop being so damaged" I hear stiles mumble to himself. I feel guilt wash over me I know I've brought back something painful for him I shouldn't have pushed.

I knew when I threw my legs over him I just knew it was wrong I kept telling myself it was to hold him down but maybe it wasn't. I enjoyed it, I enjoyed the way it felt to have his body under mine, I enjoyed the control of holding his wrists above his head and I loved watching his reaction to my body. I should've got off when I sensed his nerves. What's wrong with me he's just a kid.

I decide I have to fix this. I can't just leave him to feel like this he reeks of sadness and I can't stand it. I gently knock on his door "come in" he says it so softly that if I wasn't a werewolf I never would've heard it. I enter cautiously "stiles I.." I begin before he quickly interrupts me "don't... just sit don't talk, don't interrupt me just let me talk okay?" I nod in response I can hear the pain in his voice and I search for his beautiful but he refuses to lift his gaze from the floor.

I make my way to the bed and sit down next to him, leaving a gap between us so I don't make him uncomfortable. He takes in a deep breath I can see his hands shake and I can hear his heart speed up. He's terrified I can smell the fear radiating off of him, before I can think I take one of his hands in mine to comfort him and it must work because I hear his heart beat begin to slow but he doesn't stop shaking.

"It was summer break, me and Scott had gotten ourselves fake ID so we could drink and that was exactly what we did." He pauses for a minute clearly finding this difficult but I don't push.

"We went to the bar in town with two of us Danny and Theo, it started out great we were doing shots and laughing." His voice begins to break and my heart aches for the boy but I am desperate to know what happened to hurt him so bad.

"Theo... he I'm he asked me to dance. I didn't know he was gay no one did, so I agreed to dance with him I didn't think anything of it. I followed him to the dance floor but he kept trying to hold me, he kept gripping my hips... I was so uncomfortable I tried to tell him I asked him to stop touching me." Maybe I don't want to hear the end of this I can sense how broken he feel over the memory and I feel like I know exactly where this is going to go.

"He refused to stop so I walked out, I just left him there on the floor as he called my name. I could hear the anger in his voice." He takes a deep breath

"He followed me, I was stood outside as he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the back alley, I panicked I tried to scream but I couldn't he held his hand over my mouth pushing me against the wall with so my force I had bruises and cuts for weeks. He started to pull at my jeans all I could do was cry I begged and begged but he just told me to shut up. He wouldn't stop Derek he just wouldn't stop" his voice breaks completely as I he begins to break down. If I had known I never would've grabbed him.

I throw my arms around him "oh Stiles" how could anyone do that to him, this beautiful, precious boy. He melts into my touch crying violently "I've got you kid, no one will ever touch you like that again I promise, I will always protect you Stiles" he does no more then whimper. I pick him up and wait for him to argue but he doesn't. God he looks so broken, I make my way back to my room with him in my arms.

I place him on my bed, he looks up at me eyes red from crying and I point to his jeans "can I?" I ask nervously not knowing how to approach this "sleeping in jeans isn't comfortable, that's all." He thinks about it for a minute before nodding and hiding his face. I wish he knew how beautiful he is.

I gently slide his jeans off his legs, god every part of him is stunning, his legs are toned and muscular just like his torso which I never expected from him. But damn is he gorgeous. I shouldn't be looking damn Derek control yourself. He's not even your friend. I pull the covers over him.

I go to leave the room so he can rest it's late after all "where are you going" his voice just as broken as before "the couch" I respond no emotion clear in my voice. "Stay... please" he pleads I know I should say no but how can I when he looks so broken. I slowly walk over to the empty side of the bed and slide my jeans and shirt off and gently climb under the covers next to him leaving a large distance between us. He slides himself closer to me and rests his head on my chest.

"Thanks der" he mutters before I hear his breathing slow. God I can't deal with him. This is too much. Screw it I think as I gently wrap my arms around him pulling our bodies closer as I feel sleep envelop me.

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