Chapter Eight

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Dereks p.o.v
That bloody kid! This needs to stop, I need to control my damn self what the hell is wrong with me. I was just trying to get a rise out of him but it is very clear he got more of a rise out of me.

But he did tell me about his little werewolf friend so now I just need to find him and he will lead me straight to his Alpha. It suddenly dawns on me Scott is his best friend and of course he is going to want to inform his best friend of this new information.

I race out the door following Stiles unmistakable scent, god that smell makes me hungry for the kid. I shake my head desperately trying to get rid of the thoughts.

Arriving at a house I see the only source of light coming from the top floor, I scale the side of the house perching on the windowsill just out of his line of sight. I focus my hearing "Scott god damnit get to mine now!" I hear him bark desperately down the phone. He hangs up throwing the phone onto his bed in frustration.

I watch him curiosity twinkling in my eyes as he sits on the edge of his bed guitar in hand as he begins to strum I silently slide through the unlocked window. Idiot should've locked it. My jaw drops in amazement as he begins to sing.

"Everybody wants to know
If we fucked on the bathroom sink
How your hands felt in my hair
If we were high on amphetamines
And everybody wants to hear
How we chainsmoked until three
And how you laughed when you said my name
And how you gripped my hips so mean
We wrote a story in the fog on the windows that night
But the ending is the same every damn time, no, no, no
We wrote a story in the fog on the windows that night
But the ending is the same every damn time
They think I'm insane, they think my lover is strange
But I don't have to fucking tell them anything, anything
And I'm gonna write it all down, and I'm gonna sing it on stage
But I don't have to fucking tell you anything, anything
That's the beauty of a secret
You know you're supposed to keep it..."

Watching him intently getting lost in his voice which became deeper there was an alluring darkness to his tone.

I soon notice that he has in fact stopped and is staring at me in amusement as I awkwardly shift my weight from side to side "sourwolf" he greets me, I'm taken aback by how gentle his voice is when he's not angry "hey kid" I respond shocked by how gentle my voice is "I came to help with your friend, it's a full moon" stiles looks back at me worry instantly covering his face "oh my god I didn't realise he's on a bloody date" stiles rushes around in a panic "hey kid, chill" I see anger flash in his eyes "chill fucking chill Derek really, you've got to be kidding me my best friend is about to go on a bloody murderous rampage!" I yells at me I do no more then firmly grab his face " I said I would help so calm the hell down get in my car and take me to him" I say sternly relief washing over me as I hear his heartbeat slow back down to a regular beat we race to my car in an attempt to reach Scott before he begins to shift.

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