Chapter Nine

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"STILES NO!" I hear Derek scream at me as I jump out the car before he has a chance to park. I have to find Scott I have to help him. I know it's dangerous but he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he hurt someone.

I see Scott crouched on the floor clutching his head in his hands "Scott" I yell over the voice he looks up and I can't believe it he's shifting I've got to get him out of here.

I run to his side pulling him up "I've got you Scott don't worry, you're going to be okay" I drag him out with difficulty all his weight on me "stiles you need to go I'll take him" I hear as Derek appears next to me "no Derek get Allison home now!" I snap at him and walk off towards the woods not giving him a chance to argue.

I hold Scott against a tree " come on man control it" he fights against I feel his razor sharp claws slice my chest. I scream out in agony but I refuse to let go "Scott what three things can not be long hidden?" He claws at my face struggling to break free "GOD DAMNIT SCOTT SAY IT WHAT THREE THINGS CAN NOT BE LONG HIDDEN!" I hear him gasp "the the sun.. the moon.. the truth" He growls out " AGAIN" I yell "THE SUN THE MOON THE TRUTH" he yells back at me his eyes settling back to their murky brown "again Scott again what three things can not be long hidden" I hear his breathing slowing "the sun the moon the truth" I release him as he drops to the floor.

"Well done scotty" I whisper as my eyes begin to blur and I feel my body weakening as I begin to fall to the floor, I feel strong arms wrap around me, Starting up to find Dereks piercing green eyes overcome with worry "you worried about me sourwolf?" I question softly as my vision clouds over and my body goes limp.

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