Chapter Seven

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I pace the floor feeling Dereks cold eyes never leaving me. "You're a werewolf, of course you're a werewolf, this is bloody typical. Well done me. This fan fucking tastic" I mumble angrily to myself I hear Derek clearing his throat from behind me. I snap round to look at him a deathly cold glare in my eyes daring him to say something. "Are you really trying to challenge me kid?" A smug smirk taking residence on his beautifully structured face.

I snap myself out of it there is nothing beautiful about this man ugh he is infuriating me! "Do not call me a fucking kid I am 17! I am not a kid and last I checked you were asking me for help, not exactly smart being a dick to someone you're asking a favour of now is it dumbass!" I snarl back at him throwing a wink in his direction. I see his glare falter as a flash of what I think is lust crosses his eyes but as quick as it comes it gone again.

"You want answers well so do I so for every question of mine you answer, I will answer one of yours." I state stating up at the older man expectantly, he lets out an animalistic clearly trying to intimidate me but no I will not budge "those are the damn terms either accept or get the hell out of my way so I can leave" he sighs in defeat gesturing for me to sit back on the couch, I flash him my goofiest grin as he accepts his defeat.

"What do you want to know kid" he puts extra emphasis on calling me a kid trying to get a ride out of me well two can certainly play at that game. "Lets start simple shall we, who are you?" I see him sigh as we both clearly calm ourselves in an attempt to be civilised " I'm Derek, Derek Hale"

My jaw instantly drops oh my god Derek Hale one of the sole survivors of the Hale family fire damn no wonder he's so bitter. In an obvious attempt to distract me from that price of information he is quick to speak up " why were you in the woods?" I think carefully on what to say "just having a casual walk" I reply hoping he believes me. He growls at me informing that he clearly does know I'm lying "alright jeez no need to growl, me and my buddy were looking for the missing half of the girl that was murdered" I see pain clear in his eyes, I feel my heart ache seeing the pain in his eyes.

"What is the first full moon like for a wolf?" I question trying to play it off as simple curiosity but I can see in his eyes he's not buying it " you experience an overwhelming blood lust, you want to rip everyone's throats out" He leans closer to me his breath hitting my neck "with your teeth" he finishes I feel my breath get trapped in my throat as a chill runs down my spine, my heart races at the feeling of his warm breath against my neck. What the hell was that? He's trying to play a damn game with me and I know it. He is messing with the wrong person I am the king of games and mischief.

"Who's the werewolf then kid?" I bite my lip looking into his eyes. I watch as he fights desperately not to watch my lips as I gently catch my bottom lip with my teeth. " I will tell you but only if you promise you will help him" my voice clearly snapping him out of his trance as he fixes his back on mine "deal" growls lowly I slide closer to him our thighs just barely touch as I move my mouth to his ear "Scott, Scott McCall" I whisper out softly my lips ever so slightly grazing his ear. I hear a sharp tear as I notice his claws dug into the couch cushions and I do more then look up into his lust filled eyes with a cocky smirk on my face. He growls once again pushing me away with enough force for me to hit the wall behind.

"Fuck" he yells regret and worry written all over his face. Damn why am I enjoying this so much, I'm straight I'm in love with Lidya but I'd be lying if I said tempting the wolf isn't fun. I begin to leave deciding our conversation is over and we both got the information we wanted, I walk slowly past him my hips swaying a little more than normal, turning my head as I reach the door smirking at his eyes trained on my ass " you chose the wrong boy to play with sourwolf" I smirk at him as I exit.

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