Chapter Seventeen

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(Dereks pov)

I feel so guilty for the harm I caused the boy he didn't deserve it. I keep seeing him wince as he talks I knew he was lying when he said he wasn't hurt I know exactly how hard he hit that table. It was cruel if me to push him so harshly he's only human and he's still so young and fragile.

My mind floats back to earlier that moan was so tempting so sensual. I could barely control myself I had wanted him. I wanted nothing more than to just pin him down and take what I wanted right then and there but I couldn't it's not right. He's underage and I'm not even bloody gay but that moan just got to me. I know it's no excuse for what I did to him I shouldn't of reacted the way I did but it's too late now.

I feel so bad for the young boy in front of me as he begs Deaton not to make him tell us about his dream but we all know it's a crucial bit of information. I see him nod sadly tears in his beautiful whisky eyes I wish I could comfort him but it's wrong.

I hear his heartbeat speed up and I see him gulp harshly as he seats himself down on the table. His eyes lock onto mine and he takes a deep breath his heart rate slowing "there's was this guy and well" i see a blush creep up his cheeks his eyes not once leaving mine "he's touching me, his hands all over me, kissing me, marking me. It's hot like really hot my body tingles under his touch." I feel anger burning in my eyes who the hell is he dreaming about. I'm not shocked he's gay I figured that out a while ago to be honest. I continue to stare at him forcing myself to appear unaffected "go on" Deaton prompts as stiles shifts uncomfortably "he whispers to me that I'm special, that I'm his, that I make him stronger, that together we are an unstoppable force" he stops once again however this time he pulls his eyes away from me why can't he look at me why now out of everything he's said what is he about to say that would make him turn from me. "He pulls my shirt down exposing my shoulder and bites down harshly on my shoulder and tells me I'm his and when I look to where he bit me there is a dark purple mark that looks as if it is glowing" did he say bite? That sounds an awful lot like being claimed... oh my god he's being claimed by a wolf in his dream. Who the hell dies this stupid child want to claim him.

"Stiles what you're dreaming about it's the way an alpha claims a mate. Who are you dreaming about this is a very serious thing. The person you're dreaming about as anything sexual happened in real life" Deaton questions an urgency clear in his voice stiles just shakes his head sadly refusing to meet my gaze in fact he looks anywhere but me I feel slightly offended by the fact he can't even look at me.

"I won't ask who it is but I will ask you draw me a picture of this symbol that appears on your shoulder." Stiles begrudgingly takes a pencil and some paper and begins to draw a small triangle engulfed in flames with two stars in the middle the larger star appears to be bursting through the triangle and into the flames and the smaller one just placed diagonally from it but remaining in the triangle. I have never seen anything like it, it looks beautiful.

Deaton gasps shock written clear as day on his face "stiles... you're a Druid and a damn powerful one at that, a Druid normally has the ability to control one element but you my boy can control them all" I can hear the worry in his voice as my mouth drops to the floor. Stiles a powerful Druid no way he's just a kid.

"Deaton he is just a kid" I growl threateningly at the older man he stares at me not even flinching at my harsh tone "his magic is trying to break out, he knows who his mate is. HIS magic knows who his mate is it will tear him apart if they aren't connected soon." My jaw drops even further I turn to look at stiles who looks as if he is about to break down.

"Stiles who is it?" I demand i don't care if he is mates with someone I'd rather forget this petty crush and keep him alive then watch him die because of such trivial things as feelings "no Derek please no" tears running down his face as he looks up at me my heart breaks for the young boy who is being forced to grow up too fast I reach a comforting hand out towards him but he pulls away from me harshly "don't. Fucking. Touch. Me." His eyes turn purple once more and I back away the words falling from his mouth like venom as his purple eyes are trained on mine I flash my crimson eyes at him willing him to just back down. "STILES WHO THE HELL IS IT!" I yell at him my alpha eyes blazing as anger consumes me.

He laughs "I'd rather die then tell you. You are nothing but a selfish prick. You think it's okay to treat other like trash because of your past well it is not! I am more than just a kid and I will be damned if I let you continue to underestimate me!" He voice booms almost as if his possessed Deaton appears at my side "Derek back down." I ignore him watching as Stiles' body begins to shake his eyes glowing brighter then ever "NOW DEREK! BACK DOWN!" Deaton screams I look at the boy in front of me and I know he's right Stiles isn't just angry he's ready to kill and I am his target. I back away bowing my head to him.

I watch as his eyes fade slowly turning back to his stunning whisky brown. He looks weak. Too weak. I run to his side as his legs give out beneath him he looks up at me regret clear in his eyes a single tear falling "I'm sorry Derek" he whispers "stiles it's okay you didn't hurt me everything is okay" he chuckles weakly "you're a real idiot sourwolf" he coughs I see his eyes slowly closing "stiles. Stiles wake up. God damn it kid WAKE UP!" I feel the panic flaring in my veins.

"Put him down Derek. He just needs to rest his body is exhausted." I refuse to let him go I can't let him go. "You really are an idiot Derek Hale." Deaton chuckles I glare at him angrily "how dare you! He is dying and you aren't helping him!" I am beyond angry and if it wasn't for the fact of the young boy in my arms I would rip the smug vet to shreds.

"It's you! His magic is responding to you! He's so young because it is so rare for mates to meet especially mates as powerful as the two of you. His dreams are a warning to him his magic is informing him of exactly what will happen if you mate. You will be unstoppable the power you will wield will be unfathomable. Enemies will run and hide! He is your mate your emissary" his tone serious his eyes laced with wonder as he looks at me.

My jaw hanging open "he's too young you can't seriously expect me to claim him?" How can expect this of me this is wrong he is to young to have a mate he is too young to have to go through this. "Derek I was your mother's emissary and I know exactly why wolves only mate at a certain age I know the risk but you have to take it or his magic will kill him. He is strong don't doubt that and he is destined for you." I stare at him in disbelief "why now Deaton? Why is his magic only coming up now we've had plenty of contact but it is only appearing now." He smiles warmly at me. My body shaking with sadness I can't do this to him I just can't. " you became an Alpha Derek. You woke his magic when you became an Alpha because magic this strong can only respond to an Alpha destined for great power."

I nod my head and begin to make my way to the door "it is up to the two of you. But I beg of you make the right choice" I don't even acknowledge the older man as I carry the young boy to my car and make my way home. This is wrong. This is so wrong he is so young so innocent so fragile. I feel tears slowly roll down my cheeks. This isn't fair.

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