Chapter Ten

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I hear Stiles scream in agony, I knew I should've just left Allison I should've ignored his request and take Scott! I race to find him as I see him pinning Scott to a large tree as Scott desperate claws at him, I need to help him but if I intervene Scott could run and kill so I stand frozen.

"GOD DAMNIT SCORT WHAT THREE THINGS CAN NOT BE LONG HIDDEN" I hear stiles yell at Scott my jaw drops as I head Scott respond oh my god he's doing it "the the sun.. the moon... the truth" Scott growls out at stiles "AGAIN" he yells "WHAT THREE THINGS CAN NOT BE LONG HIDDEN" I am in utter awe of Stiles in this moment "the sun the moon the truth" I see Scott's eyes change back to a murky brown as stiles releases him and he falls to the ground.

Stiles begins to stumble backwards "well done scotty" he says softly as he begins falling backwards I run to catch him he stares up at me. God his eyes are beautiful "you worried about me sourwolf?" He whispers with a gentle smile on his precious lips as he falls limp in my arms "I've got you Stiles I've got you" I fight against the tears threatening to spill "stiles oh my god Scott no I am so so sorry" I growl as Scott approaches him "I have to get him to my loft now Scott there is no time for your guilt!" I race off carry stiles.

I place him gently down on my bed "you're going to be okay, you've got to be" I mumble out looking at his lifeless body his breathing shallow and his heartbeat slowing. I can't lose him I can't lose this stupid kid I just can't.

I grab his hand and begin to take his pain I scream as my body feels as though it is on fire. He's in so much pain. I rip my shirt wrapping his wounds tightly to stop the bleeding. His heartbeat is getting stronger. He is the strongest human I have ever met, pulling through from this is simply amazing.

After hours of sitting there just praying he will be okay I seen his eyes flutter open "sourwolf" he whispers I pull him to me relief floods my entire being " oh my god Stiles you're okay" he smiles gently up at me.

He begins to try and move, "stiles no let me get you cleaned up first at least" he reluctantly nods his head. I get a bowl of hot water and rubbing alcohol I peel his shirt off as I do I can smell his nervousness, why is he nervous as if he can tell what I'm thinking he speaks up " I don't like the way I look" my heart aches his beautiful, he's perfect how can he not see that god if he was older and a wolf I'd take him, I'd do so many things with me. I would claim him. "Oh" is all I can respond "don't worry I'm not really paying attention to the way you look, just cleaning you up" I know I'm lying to him but he can never know. It can never happen.

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