Chapter Six

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I hear him. I hear him whisper for help I can smell the fear and anxiety I can hear his heart beating out of his chest. I have to go to him, he needs me.

I take off running faster then I ever have before I begin to shift increasing my speed as I race to him. My heart aches as my eyes land on his trembling figure. I place my hand comfortingly on his shoulder trying to calm him it's not working I don't know what to do. As I panic trying to calm him his pleading eyes lock on mine, those beautiful eyes over come with some much fear as he trembles in my arms "help me" he whispers before his eyes fall closed and his body falling limp.

I quickly scoop Stiles into my arms, running with him to my car and ensuring he's buckled in I speed to my loft in town. I feel worry over take me as my eyes keeping shifting between him and the road. I should've been quicker I scold myself just wishing I'd gotten to him sooner.

As we approach the loft I hurriedly carry the fragile boy into my loft gently placing him on my couch as I sit there anxiously waiting for him to wake up. I can't take my eyes off of him. Never before have I seen such beauty. The way his soft juicy lips fall open slightly as he softly breaths his skin pale and soft.

With a jolt he wakes up sitting up right, I jump of the couch trying to pretend I wasn't just getting lost in his beauty. He looks up at me fear clear in his whisky coloured eyes. "Where am I?" He questions me softly his eyes darting around the living room "um my place.. sorry I didn't know where to take you" I say watching him closely as he shifts uncomfortably. "Why? Why did you help?" He stutters I can smell the anxiety he reeks of it I need to think of something and quick before I look like a creep.

"I helped you because I need your help with something, don't feel special" I snap at him "alright no need to be a dick about it!" He glares at me intensely my eyes glaring back at him with anger.

"Look Stiles I barely know you but I already know I don't like you. You're annoying and your sarcastic and you just don't know when to shut up!" I growl "you know what you are a dick you are selfish, you are arrogant and you make my blood boil" He seethes out at me, as I step closer to him I hear his heartbeat increase and it nearly makes me smile.

"Stiles I need your help!" I snap at him "no!" He looks at me in amazement as if he can't believe I'd even ask. He is infuriating every word he says furling my anger who the hell does he think he is! "You will help. I don't give a fuck if you want to or not you are going to help me!" He doesn't responded just glares at me hatred in his eyes.

I sigh obviously tired of this shit " I just need you to tell me what happened to you and your friend last night in the preserve" he looks at me in shock trying to think of what to say "I wasn't at the preserve last night so I don't know." I can tell he's lying I can hear his heartbeat increase I growl at him hoping he'll just tell me the truth "don't lie to me Stiles" fear flashes across his face "how do you know my name? Are you stalking me? Who the hell are you" ah fuck I shouldn't have said his name.

I push him down onto the couch I am fuming at this point struggling not to change but I can't hold it back I shift my eyes turning blue, I can feel my claws burying deep into my palms he stares up at me unflinching "you're a werewolf" he gapes at me "it was you, your eyes I saw them"

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