Short Story #16

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Mysterious Feeling
Ship: BoYa

Boboiboy was boringly staring at the sky, he watched as the clouds slowly moved and a flock of birds fly above in the sky. He reaches out his hand upwards, as if attempting to take a hold of the sky. As he does so, a small pink feather lands exactly on his forehead, causing him to immediately sit properly. Before the small pink feather flew away, Boboiboy grabs it. He opens his hand, and begins to stare at this small pink feather.

"It's soft and gentle..." Boboiboy mutters to himself, as the feather gently swayed along the breeze.

He continues to stare at it, his mind was blank like an untouched piece of paper that was left on the solid and dirty ground, abandoned. For some reason, the small feather reminded him of a specific hijab girl. Her soft and drop-dead gorgeous smile flashes to his mind, while her gentle giggles rang continuously in his ears, as if it was a perfect melody that he could never forget. Boboiboy sighs, as he continues to fiddle with the small pink feather.

For the past few months, Boboiboy started to look at his friend differently. Not the bad differently, definitely not that. It was like, he was noticing every small detail about her; and boy oh boy! He noticed everything about her. From how her eyes sparkled when she talked to him, to how her face was so flawless no matter what expression she had, well... at least to him it was. Boboiboy didn't understand what he felt and why he felt that way, oh very much so, he was very confused with himself. He tried to figure this out by himself, and from what we can read; he -100%- did not figure it out. Desperate for answers, he went forward to his second option, ask the people around him.

As of you would've guessed, he first asked his wise grandfather about this and yet he only to got a chuckle as an answer. No matter how many times, whether it was 2 to 8 times a day, he asked his grandfather, the answer he would only recieve was either a hum or a chuckle. Giving up on his grandfather's 'precious' answer, Boboiboy then went to the second person he could ask, or rather people. Boboiboy had decided to call his parents, and which you could've guessed, that wasn't the best decision he had ever done. His parents weren't very helpful either, all they did was laugh at his obliviousness and told him that he would figure it out by himself soon. Boboiboy could only arch a brow at this, what did they mean by that? And that question went unanswered, for his parents had to leave now, both parents said that they had to go to finish their unfinished businesses. But before they ended the call, they told him something very strange and unrelated, well at least it was to him.

"Whoever took your heart must be a very fascinating lady..."

Boboiboy only responded with, "Took my heart? What does that even mean?"

Those questions too, went unanswered by his parents, for had hung up on him. Boboiboy couldn't help but feel very disappointed, due to the fact that he can never seem to solve his mysterious case. Finally, Boboiboy went to the last people he could ever ask, and that was his awesome friends, who he protects the galaxies alongside with. One beautiful day, they were all in Tok Aba's Kokotiam, chilling as they drank their hot chocolate. Gopal was just randomly gushing on the drink, as Fang gagged at him. The girls were peacefully talking with each other, the topic was unknown to the boys; but whatever it was, it made them giggle and blush a lot. It was a typical day for them not-so-normal teenagers, the sun was bright and their mood was very warm. Well... that was until Boboiboy finally brought up his for-so-long-not-answered question, that simple question, made the whole mood drop cold.

"Excuse me, but what?" Ying managed to ask the capped hero.

Boboiboy puffs his cheek in annoyance, as he repeated what he had said. "Like I said... for these past few months... I've been kinda feeling blank... all I could think of is-" He catches a glimpse of Yaya, who's expression seemed to be horrified. He nearly frowned at this,  if he had not fought the urge to, he didn't know why would she look so horrified of the news. "this girl..."

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