Untitled Part 2

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Oliver had smelled her the moment she had entered the house. It was a smell he knew as well as his own. Like he knew the curves of her face, the lines of her back. Soft, sensual, flowery and specifically Felicity. When he had learned that a Felicity Smoak was coming to his house and saw her picture, his blood had quickened. He knew it was her the moment his eyes gazed upon her photo. She was as beautiful as he remembered, as beautiful as she had always been and now as he stared at her, seeing her in the flesh, her body flushing under his gaze, his body had started to call to her. But he tempered it down.

Felicity swallowed before looking up at him. His intense blue gaze was directly on her, and she felt his energy from her head to her toes.

"Thank you so much for having us in your home Mr. Queen. You won't even know we are here", she said with a slight smile.

"I highly doubt that Miss Smoak.", he said. The intensity of his gaze was making her nervous.

"The architecture and materials that were used on your home Sir, are truly outstanding.", Barry said with an enthusiastic smile.

Oliver's gaze slid over to him only briefly, before returning to Felicity. Raisa walked in with John at that time and Felicity let out a grateful breath. John took his seat to the right of Oliver and Raisa ladled out a wonderful borshch that she served with crusty homemade bread and butter.

Felicity took a bite, closing her eyes as the flavors exploded on her tongue.

"Miss Raisa, your borshch is wonderful.", she said with a smile.

"Thank you Miss Smoak.", Raisa said with a shy smile. "I love to make Mr. Oliver's favorite when we are lucky enough to have guests in the house.", she said with a heavy Russian accent.

"Спасибо, Раиса. Это будет все. (Thank you Raisa. That will be all).", Oliver said. Raisa gave him a nod and a smile before she slipped back into the kitchen.

Barry looked at Oliver in surprise. "You speak Russian Mr. Queen.", he said.

He looked at Barry with that impenetrable stare. "I speak many languages Mr. Allen.", he said. His face stayed stoic and Felicity wondered briefly if he ever smiled.

"Yes, I heard that you have traveled all over the world. I am sure you have some amazing stories." Barry said taking a spoonful of soup. Felicity kept her head down as she ate her soup. She wasn't sure why but for some reason she felt nervous and a little restless. She chalked it up to being tired and decided to try to be more engaging with her hosts.

"So John, how long have you worked at Queen Manor?", she said taking a bite of her bread. She felt Oliver's eyes back on her and shifted in her seat, keeping her eyes on John.

He thought for a moment, "Oliver hired me on about 10 years ago, after my wife died."

"Oh I am so very sorry John.", she said with a gasp.

"Thank you Miss Smoak."

"Please John! Call me Felicity.", she said with a soft smile.

Felicity! It whispered through her ears and she looked at Oliver expecting him to have spoken. He was eating his soup. He had not said a word.

Felicity cleared her throat. "So Mr. Queen. Has your family owned this estate since it was built?" Felicity took a bite of her soup.

"Yes. It was built by a.........relative for the woman he loved.", Oliver said.

Felicity looked up in surprise. That sounded like an interesting story. "Please tell us more.", she said.

"My relative.....Jonas, fell in love with a woman named Megan when they were just teenagers. He was in line to become Lord Queen and he met her when his father threw a ball to celebrate his coming of age. Megan was the daughter of a neighboring family and betrothed to another, but she fell in love with Jonas instantly, and Jonas with her. They saw each other in secret trying to figure out a way to be together, but her father found out. He sent her away until the day she was to wed her betrothed. Jonas was heartbroken, so he spent the next 4 years building this house for her, knowing she would one day come back to him." Felicity could tear her eyes away from him as he spoke. It was like he was speaking only to her, telling a tale she had heard many times before.

"Did she come back to him?", she asked, as if it was the most important question in the world.

"She did.", he said, his lips curving into a small smile. They stared at each other.

"Wow, if these walls could only talk.", Barry said.

Felicity lowered her eyes and continued eating her soup. John and Barry picked up the conversation as they all finished, and by the time dinner was over, Felicity could not hide a yawn.

"I apologize Mr. Queen..........", she started.

"Oliver!'', he said. "Please call me Oliver."


She heard the whisper again. She looked at him, "Oliver!"

Just hearing his name from her lips again made Oliver's blood sing. She was here, under his roof, where she belonged.

"If you will excuse me I am going to retire to my room.", she said standing. Oliver stood from his chair, as did John and Barry. "Goodnight everyone." She gave Oliver one last look before she turned and walked to her room.

"Goodnight Felicity.", he whispered.

Felicity hurried up the stairs. She didn't know why, but she needed to get away. She entered the room and shut the door, leaning against it to catch her breath. Felicity saw the door to the bathroom, and decided a nice long bath would be good to ease away the grime of her travels. So she gathered her nightclothes and headed into the bathroom. Turning on the water, she undressed as it filled the tub, and added some of the lavender bubble bath sitting on the sink. Oh the hot water would feel so good, and the lavender would ease her mind for sleep. Turning off the water, she lowered her body in, a moan escaping her lips as the hot water soothed her tired muscles. She leaned her head back, and her mind wandered to the story that Oliver had told her. This house was built out of love. What would it be like to have someone love you so much that they never married another if they could not have you? To have someone love you so much they built a house, a home just for you? She closed her eyes daydreaming of what that love would feel like, and as the tiredness settled inside her she fell asleep.


Felicity woke with a start, the water ice cold. How long has she been asleep? Getting out of the tub, she drained the water and toweled dry. Then putting on her nightclothes she wandered over to the bed she had been wanting to try out since she arrived. Pulling back the covers she slid in between them. The silk sheets were divine. Placing her glasses on the side table Felicity closed her eyes and soon she was fast asleep.

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