Untitled Part 22

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Slade moved closer to Oliver. "We need to get her inside.", he said as he laid a hand on Oliver's shoulder.

Oliver knew he was right, so he slowly moved to his feet, picking her up and holding her close to his chest. Her change would be brutal and painful, and he wanted her to be as comfortable as possible. He carried her through the catacombs and into the sitting area before taking her up the stairs to their room. John walked over to Slade as Oliver got her settled on the bed. He did not let her go.

"Thank you Slade for your help today." John said, holding out his hand.

Slade smirked but shook his hand. "I owed him. Now we are even."

Oliver looked at Slade. "Thank you Slade." It was all he said, but Slade knew what it meant. He inclined his head before walking to the door.

"Take care of her Oliver.", he said before turning and disappearing.

Roy walked quietly into the room. His heart was pounding as he looked at Felicity. She looked so pale. So lifeless. "What can we do Oliver?"

Oliver spoke softly. "What happened?"

Roy sighed, looking at his feet. "Laurel ambushed us when we got close to the garden. She knocked me out before I even saw her."

Oliver nodded. He could tell that Roy was eaten alive with guilt. He didn't blame him.

"This was not your fault Roy.", he said softly, but he gave him a firm look. Roy couldn't speak.

"Felicity is going to have a rough night tonight. It would be best if you both were not here. Raisa as well. John please tell her to take the next two days off. You and Roy take some money and go stay in the city until I call you back. I don't know how her blood lust is going to be." He said. They all knew what he was implying.

John and Roy nodded as they headed to the door, hesitant to leave. "Take care of her.", John said before they turned and left.

Oliver gently stroked her hair as he spoke softly to her, his throat clogged with tears.

"Oh my love! I am so very sorry. I should have been down there with you.", his voice cracked. He hugged her close.

He figured he must have dozed off because the next thing he knew he felt Felicity jerk in his arms. He straightened up, ready. Her turning was about to begin.

Felicity twitched again and he heard a moan of pain leave her lips. As her old body died, the pain of her organs dying would rip through her. The pain would be intense. Hurrying to the bathroom he grabbed a washcloth and wet it with cold water. As he approached her he saw her face contorted with pain, her body covered in a light sheen of sweat. He removed what clothing he felt he should, trying to make her more comfortable as she cried out. Laying the washcloth on her head, he spoke soothingly to her. Holding her hand in his. She clenched it tight but he did not notice. His focus was on her.

"I am so sorry my love. But the pain will be over soon. Once this night is over we can enjoy the rest of eternity together." he said as she jerked again, crying out.

Tears fell silently from his eyes again. Watching her in so much pain was, in some ways, worse than watching her die. He wanted to take her pain away. To soothe her. But he couldn't.

For the next four hours he watched her twist and contort in excruciating pain. She was gripping his hand so hard that if he had been a mortal man, his bones would surely have been crushed. But he never left her side. His eyes always on her.

Around midnight he noticed that her pain seemed to be subsiding. He gently stroked her brow as she whimpered, her eyes still closed. Now her body would start to rebuild.

Oliver laid down beside her watching her closely but not touching her. As her body rebuilt, she would sleep, and once it was done, then she would awaken. He had to be ready because in rare instances the blood lust was instantaneous. As the hours passed Oliver paced the room, laid by her side, and sat in a chair next to the bed. Soon though, he noticed her eyes fluttering. He moved over to sit on the bed, his eyes watching her closely. She moaned as her eyelids fluttered open.

Felicity opened her eyes seeing Oliver in front of her looking concerned. Her body and her mind felt different, stronger, however she was sore. As she opened her eyes, Oliver's gaze softened.

"Hi!", he whispered.

She seemed calm. That was a good sign.

"Hi!", she said softly back. She tried to sit up and Oliver reached over to help her.

"Take it slow my love.", he said as she groaned.

"What happened?", she said. And as she spoke she noticed her teeth. They seemed sharper longer. And then it all flooded back to her. Laurel! Tommy! Roy!

"Roy!!", she said, trying to get up from the bed.

"He's fine my love! He's fine. Please you need to rest." Oliver said, taking her hands in his.

Felicity looked at him and it hit her. She knew. Her eyes widened as she grasped his hands. "You turned me didn't you?"

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