Untitled Part 5

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Felicity stopped in the hallway and leaned against the wall, trying to catch her breath. What was happening to her? Why was she hearing his voice? Was she going crazy? Pushing from the wall, she walked down the hall toward the garden. She needed to find Barry. As she turned the corner toward the french doors, she ran into John.

"Felicity! How is the exploring going today?", he asked with a smile.

"Well so far we have cataloged the gardens and we started on the sitting room, but Barry found the secret catacombs.", she said with a smile. "He's exploring them now."

"If you would like there is something I wanted to show you.", John said a little hesitantly.

"Sure John, what is it?", she said curious.

"Well I can't tell you, I have to show you." He turned and headed out the french doors into the garden. Felicity followed along, her curiosity eating at her. As they came to the end of the path, John took a smaller path to the right that led to a bridge over a creek. And as they came up the hill on the other side, Felicity looked forward with surprised awe. There was a field and in that field was a small family cemetery. The Queen Family cemetery.

"This place has a lot of history Felicity, which is one of the reasons I fell in love with it. I thought you might like to see some of the names that passed through those walls.", he said watching her face.

"Wow John, yes, thank you." Felicity slowly walked forward looking at the names and dates that told of lives lived and lives lost. And as she moved through one particularly beautiful headstone caught her eye. It was made of exquisite marble, and when she saw the name on the stone, she gasped.

Megan Kuttler Queen

1750 - 1792

My Beloved

"Is....is this her grave?", she asked in awe as she leaned down near the stone. It was a little weathered but looked as if it was cleaned regularly. John walked up next to her and shook his head.

"Yes, she was buried here after she died."

"How...how did she die?", Felicity asked. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the stone.

"In childbirth.", John said, and Felicity gasped.

"But she was so young.", she said.

"Back then things were not like they are now, as you well know. Childbirth was difficult."

Felicity stood hearing the sorrow in John's voice. "How did your wife die John?"

He smiled softly, "She had cancer."

Felicity placed a supportive hand on his arm, their silence a tribute to the woman he loved. Felicity looked around her brow crinkling. Where was Jonas' grave? Before she could ask, she heard rustling in the brush, and a flushed, breathless Barry came careening out. His face was covered with dirt and his hair had cobwebs strewn throughout. Felicity grinned because he looked happier than a kid at Christmas.

"Oh my god Felicity!! You have to go back down there with me. It is amazing! There is pottery and carvings in the walls......", he couldn't stop talking.

Felicity placed her hand on his to get his attention. "I think I am good for now Barry. Did you take some good notes?"

Barry nodded as John looked at his watch. "It is almost lunch time so we should head back.", he said.

"Thank you for sharing this with me John.", she said softly. Her voice indicating she also meant about his wife.

John nodded, before heading back down the path. Felicity and Barry followed close behind as Barry continued to regale her with information about the tunnels below. Felicity took another look back as she again wondered about Jonas' grave, before she turned her attention away.

John, Barry and Felicity walked into the house and headed to the dining room. Raisa had set up a spread of sandwich meats, bread, cheeses and fruit. Felicity realized just how hungry she had become. Oliver was waiting for them as they entered the room, and Felicity gave him a small smile, as he held her chair for her before taking his seat at the head of the table.

"And how were the catacombs Barry?", he asked, as they started to eat.

"Oh they were amazing. There is pottery down there that must be centuries old.", he said as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"Before refrigeration was invented, my relatives stored items down there like food, sugar, salt.", Oliver said.

Felicity concentrated on her sandwich as Oliver and Barry talked about the tunnels. Before long John started talking about the estate. There were several things that needed tending to, so John had called in a caretaker by the name of Roy that would help him do the tasks.

Oliver listened to John as he watched Felicity out of the corner of his eye. He was a patient man, but he had seen her respond to him earlier. He hoped that her suppressed memories would start to return to her soon. They seemed to take longer and longer to return to her with each lifetime. As everyone finished their lunch Oliver approached Felicity.

"Felicity, I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier. I would like to take you on that tour of the estate, if you will allow me to.", he said. He wanted to spend time with her, just be with her, so he would have to be cautious with his thoughts.

Felicity looked over at Barry. "Go right head Felicity. I think I am going to head to my room and take a nap.", Barry said as he yawned.

Felicity let out a breath. She couldn't be rude, and she did want to find out more about the house, so she turned to him and smiled. "Thank you Oliver, I would like that."

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