Untitled Part 24

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Oliver and Felicity's tongues dueled as they kissed and Oliver could feel the new found strength in Felicity as she fought for a little control. She was trying to figure out her new identity, who and what she was as a newly turned vampire, and so he ceded control. He would let her experiment and feel the changes in her body and her mind.

Felicity pushed him back toward the bed and gave him a smile as she started to remove his shirt. She pulled it up and over his head, and her eyes flashed black as she looked at his chest. Leaning forward she kissed his pecs gently sucking and giving soft bites to his chest. He groaned as he felt her canines drag along his flesh. His body was responding to her as it always had as his blood raced and his heartbeat quickened and he grew hard as she kissed her way down his stomach, as his body anticipated her mouth.

Oliver pulled off her shirt, and undid her bra, before she pushed him back on the bed crawling up to straddle his waist. Her eyes were completely black with lust, and she licked her lips as she looked down at him beneath her. He was placing himself completely at her mercy and the feeling of power, of the fact that she had control over someone, was a little intoxicating.

Oliver looked up at her, and he smiled. It made her heart skip a beat, as his beauty hit her like it always did. "Felicity, I have always been yours both in body and in soul. I am yours to do with as you will. I love you!"

Felicity's eyes turned serious. He had always loved her so very much. And she could feel it in the way he let her take control. The way his body was responding to hers. It caused her excitement to increase, her thighs and core wet with her need. She reached down and undid the button of his pants, then slid down the zipper. Moving back she tugged his pants and his boxers down his legs, revealing his arousal to her eyes. Oliver toed off his shoes as she pushed his pants off and then quickly did the same with hers. She climbed back up his body, and Oliver's head fell to the bed as he felt her wetness slide along his thighs. Felicity kissed him deeply as she took his cock in her hand. He was so hard but his skin was so soft. She gripped him tightly, tighter than she had before and Oliver moaned as her soft hand moved over him. His body was primed for her and he could tell by her breathing that she was the same for him. He clenched his fists as he tried not to take control and turn them so he was on top. And leaning down she kissed him desperately, as her mind spoke to him.

"I love you Oliver."

He took her face in his hands and took over control of the kiss causing her to moan into his mouth. His vampire side let loose, and he took control, flipping her to her back as he deepened the kiss, his hips rubbing against hers. He took her hands and moved them above her head as he slid his cock between her folds. She whimpered, her eyes turning feral, as she bucked her hips to him, and he immediately slid inside her. They both paused as the sensations from their joining hit them. Their connection was electric and Felicity could feel every inch, and every breath, every twitch. Oliver caught his breath as he felt the emotions inside of her. She gripped his shoulders as her fingers scraped down his back and he started to move. Their bodies were in sync as he pushed into her and the strength she had as her walls gripped his cock tightly was almost his undoing. As her body started to race toward her release, she moved quickly and heatedly beneath him. Their coupling was frenzied unlike anything they had experience before as their dark sides merged and Felicity leaned up and bit his pulse point as her body convulsed into orgasm. The feeling of her biting him and her body squeezing him, caused Oliver to growl loudly as he released into her. She kept her bite on his shoulder as his body shuddered and she left go as his body slowed down.

"I love you so much Felicity.", he said into the curve of her shoulder as they held each other. Neither one wanting to move or break their connection.

She laughed softly. "If I had known our sex was going to be like that after I was turned, I would have been way more persistent."

Oliver laughed. "I probably would have turned you sooner.", he teased, and kissed her.

Oliver moved off of her and pulled her to his chest. "How are you feeling my love?"

"Like I am boneless and my body is jello, but my mind is racing. Everything is heightened. My sight, my hearing, my taste."

"Yes, that will take some getting use to.", he said as his hand stroked up and down her back. "You need to get some rest. Your body is still changing and will be for the next few hours." Oliver kissed her forehead. "You will need one more feeding before your change is complete."

Felicity held him tight as they shifted down in the bed. Closing her eyes, she found that she wasn't tired. Oliver could feel her mind working and he smiled. "You won't need as much sleep as before, but you do need to rest."

She sighed and nodded, before closing her eyes and relaxing against him.

Felicity dozed and found her dreams were colorless. Oliver had warned her about the darkness of this life, and she could see how it could consume you if you were alone. But she had him, and she sighed softly in her sleep as he entered her dreams. Laughing, handsome, beautiful, happy. She was enjoying their mind connection that was developing and she tried to catalog the feelings and emotions that were sweeping through her. Her love for Oliver had not diminished and in fact, she felt it had intensified. They would be together now always.

Oliver woke a few hours later, and slipping out from under her, kissed her head as he threw on some pants, and hurried downstairs. He wanted to get them something to drink and a snack. Even though blood would be essential for her, she still needed some food. Just not as much as before. He smiled as he grabbed some cheese and crackers and the rest of the cookies that Raisa had made. Then taking two bottles of water, he headed back up the stairs. He paused in the doorway as he looked at her, and his breath caught. She was always breathtaking, and he knew he would never tire of looking at her.

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