Untitled Part 18

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Oliver sighed and headed to his study. He needed to call Slade. Slade Wilson was one of the oldest vampires in existance. Oliver met him while traveling in Italy two years ago and had earned his respect by helping him escape a vampire hunter. The older a vampire became the more his powers increased and Slade was said to be over 1,ooo years old. Oliver needed Slades power if he was going to beat both Tommy and Laurel.

"Oliver, what a pleasant surprise.", Slade said in a thick australian accent as he answered the phone.

"Slade, hi. I need your help.", Oliver said.

"What's going on kid?"

"Do you remember the woman I told you about? Felicity?"

"Beautiful! Blonde! Of course I do.", Slade said. Oliver had shown Slade her picture during their time together. He also knew of Tommy and about Felicity killing herself.

"She is here, with me. However Tommy Merlyn is in town and threatening to take her. You told me if I ever needed you to call. I need you." Oliver said. "Can you come to Star City?"

"I can be there tomorrow. But I am curious. Why not take care of Tommy yourself?, Slade asked, curious.

"Because he turned a young woman by the name of Laurel Lance and I cannot beat them together. Plus she will try to lure me to her. I think I am strong enough to resist, but I need back-up." Oliver had learned with Shado that when turned, female vampires developed a way to lure men to them as a way to feed. Strong male vampires could usually resist the allure, but he had not fed on a live person in over 70 years and stored blood did not give him the same strength.

"Well, then I will see you tomorrow kid."

Oliver hung up and let out a breath. Looking up he saw Felicity standing in the doorway.

"How long has it been since you fed Oliver?", she closed the door behind her, leaning against it.

"I had some blood yesterday.", he said, running his hands over his face as he indicated the refrigerator.

"Ok, let me rephrase that. How long since you have had fresh blood Oliver?"

Oliver looked up at her and gave a soft smile. "Not since the last time I fed on you."

Felicity gasped. That had been over 70 years ago. She knew to keep at peak strength Oliver needed fresh blood.

She pushed herself from the door and walked over to his desk. Smiling softly she moved the collar of her shirt to the side.

"Then feed on me my love."

Olivers eyes turned black. The act of becoming a vampires feeding source was one that as a human, showed the utmost trust. It was also a very intimate and sensual act. For her to offer so soon took his breath.

"Felicity....I......I can't."

"Oliver!", she said moving closer. "Feed on me."

"Felicity!!", he growled, his control hanging by a thread. He was so hungry and she was so sweet. He could smell her blood, her arousal.

He closed his eyes as his fangs dropped. He opened his eyes and Felicity gasped at the predatory look he gave her.

"Oliver, please!", she whispered.

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