Untitled Part 15

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Felicity watched him go with a sigh. They had this argument every time. Well it was going to end. She wasn't giving up until he agreed to change her. Felicity pulled on her clothes with a grin. If he thought she was persistent in their past lives, then he hadn't met 20th century Felicity.

Oliver stopped and pulled his shoes on before heading out the back door and down the path. They had this same argument every lifetime. She would beg him to turn her and he would refuse. Then she would die and his agony would begin until he saw her again. He had been ok with dealing with that pain. But after their intense love making today, his heart and his head were having doubts. The thought of having her with him everyday for eternity. It made his heart ache. Oliver walked up the gazebo steps and sat down on the bench, his head going into his hands. He remembered the times she had died. Those had been his darkest moments. Those had been the times he had wanted to give in to the monster. But he didn't. He kept going for her.

Feeling hungry, Felicity headed downstairs to the kitchen. She smelled something wonderful. Cookies! Her stomach grumbled. Raisa smiled as Felicity walked into the kitchen.

"Just in time Miss Felicity.", she said as she turned and took some fresh baked chocolate chip cookies from the oven. Felicity smiled and sat down at the kitchen table. Raisa grabbed a plate and poured Felicity a cold glass of milk. Setting them down in front of her she smiled as Felicity took a bite and moaned.

"These are Mr. Oliver's favorite. Is he coming down soon?", Raisa asked.

Felicity's expression became serious. She wasn't sure where he was or how long he would be gone. She just knew she needed to give him this time to think.

"Maybe later Raisa.", she smiled. Finishing her cookies, she set her plate in the sink and kissed Raisa on the cheek before she headed back up to her room. Now that her memories were slowly returning she had some regarding the house and she wanted to type them up. Grabbing her laptop, she sat down in the window seat and got to work. Hopefully Oliver would come find her when he was ready.

A couple of hours passed and Felicity closed her laptop, rubbing her eyes. She was pleased with what she had written, and setting her laptop down, she looked out the window. She could see Oliver in the gazebo and decided she needed to go see him. She headed down the stairs before she could talk herself out of it. Felicity walked along the path, and Oliver shifted as he felt her approach. She sat down silently beside him, their shoulders touching, but she kept her hands in her lap. As they sat in silence and looked out over the water, Oliver began to speak softly.

"The first time I ever saw you Felicity. You completely captivated me. I knew that moment was going to change my life forever and I relished it. Every time we spent together was the bright spot of my day. And when your father sent you away, you took a part of me with you. A part of my soul. But the worst thing was after I was changed, not knowing how you would respond to me. If you would accept me. And the anger I carried with that uncertainty made me kill. Yes my body needed the blood. But my anger fueled my need. I could not control it. And then you came back into my life. I opened that door and the sun was bright for me again. You brought light back into my life." He stood and walked to the railing, and then turned and leaned against it, his eyes haunted. "How can I take that light away from you? How can you ask me to do that?"

Felicity's eyes did not leave his as she stood and walked to him, taking his hands. "Because my heart has to be with you Oliver. I never remember it but when I am without you, before my memories return, I feel hollow, like something is missing." She raised his hands to her lips and kissed them softly. 'These hands give me life." She leaned up and kissed his lips. "These lips give me life. YOU are my life Oliver. Why would you deny me, deny us of being together?"

He leaned his forehead down to hers and sighed.

"I won't give up until you say yes.", she said teasingly, but they both knew she was absolutely serious.

His hands reached up and cupped her face. "I need more time. Ok?", he said softly.

She nodded and placed her arms around him. He hugged her tight.

"Your kiss tasted like cookies.", he said with a grin. "Chocolate chip."

She laughed. "Yes Raisa made them."

Oliver grabbed her hand and started dragging her toward the house. "Oliver!!!!!!", she laughed.

"Those are my favorite.", he grinned.

He watched them from the shadows, his eyes pitch black. They looked so happy together. She had remembered. Good. Because he wanted her to remember him when she saw him. When he took her. When he changed her. Tommy licked his fangs as she laughed at something Oliver said. He could be patient. He needed to catch her alone. Slinking back into the darkness, Tommy headed back to where he left Laurel.

She would be his soon.

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