Untitled Part 9

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Oliver saw her eyes, the recognition then the fear. She was remembering. It was the same way every time. And she was going to run.

"No...no...no...no.....no!", she said as she backed away from him.

She turned and fled.

"Felicity wait!", he said and was right in front of her. He needed to let her see him. To see all of him. His eyes turned black, and he lightly gripped her arms. She yanked her arms away from him and ran again. He could have held her there, used his strength to keep her there, but he let her go.

"Please Felicity, stop! I am not going to hurt you!", he said, immediately in front of her again before she could blink. His eyes flashed back to blue, their depths baring his soul to her, only her.

She stood there and shook her head no, saying the word over and over as if she said it, it would make the reality less real. His hands reached out to her, but she pulled away from him.

"Don't touch me!", she hissed.

Oliver placed his hands at his sides. He knew that she needed to come to grips with the reality, of who he was....of what he was...but it never got easier. It always pierced his heart like a dagger when she looked at him in fear. Oliver watched as she backed away and fled. He had to give her time, give her space, as much as every fiber of his being, every cell within his body told him otherwise.

Felicity fled up the stairs as sobs escaped her lips. Running into her room, she closed the door locking it behind her. She leaned against it, closing her eyes. She remembered their kiss on the gazebo, and then she remembered her flashes. He wasn't!!! He couldn't be!!!!! Vampires were not real!!They did not exist!! But things were starting to make sense in a small way. She paced her room as tears silently flowed from her eyes. Should she leave? Was she going crazy? No, she knew without a doubt she was not going crazy and she could not leave, even if her life depended on it. But she could not see him right now, she could not think or breath with him near. So she curled up on her bed. Her mind thought back over the story he told her of Megan and Jonas. She had so many questions. Slowly she slipped off to sleep and again she dreamed.

"You say you love me! You say I am your life, your breath! Why can't you do this for me?", Megan said, her voice filled with tears, pleading, begging.

Jonas had his back turned to her, his shoulders stiff, his jaw ticking. He turned to her, his eyes blazing. He had to make her understand. "I will not turn you Megan. I can't!! The thought of you feeling the darkness, the despair, the death. I cannot do that to you.", he gritted out.

"So you would rather let me die!, she accused.

"I would rather lose you a thousand times over then subject your light to this darkness. The small bite I gave you will bring you back to me again. I promise my love!", he said the last four words softly, as he reached to touch her. He loved her so much his heart ached. She wanted him to turn her into what he was. But he was a monster. He would not make her one too.

Felicity jerked awake. She had fallen asleep in her clothes. Stumbling over to the window, she looked out over the gardens and saw a dark figure standing alone, She knew it was him. But she still could not go to him. She would approach him soon. Make him give her some answers. But not tonight. Felicity listlessly removed her clothes and pulled on her pajamas. She had not eaten dinner and could feel the emptiness in her stomach. But she did not care. She crawled under the covers and pulled them to her chin. For now she would sleep.

Oliver had watched her leave. He had watched her run. But he stayed where he was, and as the night fell he accepted the darkness as he always did. She was remembering, that was all that mattered.

John had been watching their interaction through the window. He had seen Felicity's desperation as she had fled. Then she had not shown up for dinner. Neither had Oliver. He would check on him tomorrow but for now he needed his space. John turned and looked at Roy.

"She is remembering!", he said. Roy exhaled a breath and nodded. They retired to their rooms. Tomorrow would be an emotionally exhausting day.

Felicity stayed locked in her room for two days. Each day Roy would deliver food to her door and each time he would return to find it untouched.

Felicity woke the third morning. Her head was hurting from her tears, and her eyes felt heavy. She walked to the bathroom, and turning on the cold water, splashed her face. Scrubbing it dry, she looked in the mirror. Today she would get some answers. She turned on the shower, and stepped inside, the warm water running down over her face, and her body. She looked at the lavender soap and she knew. Lavender had been Megan's favorite scent. Picking it up she washed, before drying her hair and getting dressed. Something had also told her that this room had been for her, for Megan.

Felicity put on very little make-up and some pink coral lipstick. Pulling on her jeans and t-shirt she left her hair down, and steeling herself, walked down for breakfast. Her stomach was grumbling something fierce. She knew she needed to eat. As she neared the kitchen she hitched her breath. Luckily the room was empty, save for Raisa. She smiled at her stiffly as she sat down at the table.

"Good Morning Miss Felicity", Raisa said. "It is good to see you out of your room."

Felicity nodded. "I was not feeling well.", she said lamely. She didn't feel like going into more detail.

Raisa knew immediately. Making her a plate, she set the food down in front of her with a cup of coffee, and sat down across from her.

"May we speak Miss Felicity?", Raisa asked softly.

Felicity could only nod as she tried to eat. The food seemed to want to stick in her throat.

"You know about Mr. Oliver, don't you?", she asked. Felicity looked up but didn't say anything. She should have known that Raisa would know.

"Despite what he is, what he was made into, Mr. Oliver is a good man. Sometimes we try to make our reality what we want it to be, instead of allowing it to be what it should. You are Mr. Oliver's soul mate Miss Felicity. Don't let your fears keep you from that.", she said softly. She placed a hand on Felicity's before getting up and working around the kitchen. Felicity ate what she could, but something was tugging at her. She needed to talk to Oliver.

Oliver never really slept for very long, and being a vampire he didn't need to. So this morning he had crawled out of bed at dawn and made his way to his office. He needed to drink today. As he walked in his eyes strayed to her portrait as they always did, before he leaned down to the fridge and took out some blood. He set it on his desk so that it could warm to room temperature, and then started working.

Felicity approached his office door. He had said it was off limits, but she needed to see him and talk to him. Hesitating only briefly she knocked on the door. Oliver looked up immediately. He knew she was there before she knocked. He reached over and placed the blood in his desk drawer. She did not need to see that right now. She was here for answers. He cleared his throat.

"Come in!"

Felicity wasn't sure what to expect when she opened the door. Her eyes traveled immediately to him and as always he called to her, lured her. Then her eyes strayed up to the portrait behind him and she froze. It was a portrait of her.

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