Untitled Part 23

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Oliver looked away. She scooted closer to him.


"Yes!", he said softly, turning to look at her. "Tommy had gotten a hold of you and drank almost all of your blood. If I had not turned you, you would have died." He placed a hand to her cheek, his eyes softly shimmering, "I had just gotten you back. I could not lose you again so soon."

She smiled softly. He had finally chosen to turn her, to keep her with him. But then she grew nervous. What should she expect? Would she experience the blood lust and the desire to kill?

Oliver could see the questions and concerns in her eyes. "Felicity, I promise you I will help you through the next couple of days. I have sent John, Roy and Raisa away, so it will just be the two of us."

She let out a breath of relief. That made her feel a little better. Felicity felt a need growing in her and her eyes turned black. Oliver recognized the signs and knew she needed to feed.

"Felicity, I want you to listen to me carefully. Your body is still rebuilding and while it rebuilds you will need to feed. I have blood stored downstairs but the process will go faster for you if you have fresh blood."

"But I don't want to experience a feed with anyone else but you.", she said, as she remembered the intimacy and sensual nature of their feeding.

Oliver smiled softly, "Oh my love. It would not be like when I would feed on you. We would go to a vamp club where there are volunteers. The experience can be more clinical. The emotions would not be involved."

"Really?", she said, hopeful.

"Yes my love and I would be right there with you."

Oliver stood and took her and, pulling her up to him. She placed her arms around his neck and smiled as she looked at the part of his neck where his shoulder met his neck. "I am going to miss those feedings.", she grinned.

Oliver leaned down and kissed her gently. "Me too."

He tugged her hand, leading her toward the door. "Come my love. Let's get you some blood."

Oliver kept a hold of her hand as they raced toward The Glades. Nearing the Vamp Club, they walked to the door and were greeted by the doorman. "Welcome to Dark Side. If you are here as a volunteer, please check in at the bar. Otherwise all feedings are to the left and down the hall."

Oliver kept Felicity close to his side as they headed down the hall. He felt her tense up the minute they left the house. Her speed had taken her by surprise and when they entered the city, the overwhelming smell of fresh blood had hit her nostrils, causing her eyes to turn black and her canines to drop. She had tugged at his hand a couple of times as if she wanted to get away but he had held on tight. So far, she was doing good.

As they came into the feeding room, Oliver's eyes scanned the volunteers. His eyes lighted on a young woman sitting over to the back of the room by herself. She had short dark hair with brown eyes and was wearing a leather jacket, and she was drinking water. Good. The last thing Felicity needed at this point was blood infused with alcohol. He looked at Felicity and noticed she was looking around the room, almost in a feral state. The smell of fresh blood in the room was compelling. Oliver guided Felicity over to the woman and gave her a friendly smile.

"My name is Oliver and this is Felicity.", he said. Felicity looked at the woman as she would look at prey, and Oliver had to hold her tight to his side.

The woman looked up at him in surprise. "The name is Sin. I am a friend of Roys.", she said.

Oliver's eyes opened wide in surprise. "Nice to finally meet you Sin." Oliver and Felicity sat across from her and she slid a piece of paper across to them. "This shows that my blood is clean."

Oliver glanced at the paper, and nodded. "Sin, I know you were watching Tommy and Laurel for us, and I just wanted to take a moment and say Thank You! Unfortunately Tommy was able to get a hold of Felicity and he almost killed her. It forced me to turn her, and now she is in need of her first feeding."

Sin looked at Felicity and smiled. "Roy has told me so much about you. Your story is amazing.", she said.

Felicity could not answer. All she could think about was drinking, about tasting fresh blood. She clenched the fist in her free hand, and gripped Oliver with her other hand. He noticed the tightening of her hand and looked at Sin.

"We don't have much time. Would you be willing to give Felicity her first feeding?"

Sin nodded. Roy had told her so much about these two that she was more than happy to help out.

Standing she motioned for them to follow her down the hall. There were privates rooms, and Sin walked into one, taking off her jacket. Felicity followed Oliver inside, and he shut the door behind her. Sin sat down in a chair, and Oliver led Felicity over to sit next to her. Oliver knelt before Felicity and took her hands in his.

"Felicity you are going to take Sin's arm and bite right on the wrist. Drink for approximately 1 minute and then release. Ok? I will be right here with you my love." He kissed her forehead as he stood beside her.

Sin offered her wrist to Felicity and Felicity took it, looking at the smooth skin, and the veins showing life below. She lifted it to her nose, sniffing delicately, and her eyes flashed. Before she knew what she was doing, she bit down, causing Sin to wince ever so slightly. And then she sucked. She felt the fresh blood flow through her body as energy and life filled every vital organ. Felicity continued to feed and Oliver counted silently in his head. But as the minute mark neared and then passed Felicity did not release her hand. Sin tugged slightly letting her know that the feeding should end, but Felicity would not let go.

"Felicity! My love it is time to release.", Oliver said. She didn't let go.

Oliver immediately grabbed her, and pinching her shoulder caused her to release her bite on Sin's wrist. Sin pulled away, holding her wrist to her chest. She wasn't scared or angry. This had happened to her before.

Felicity sat back and licked her lips. Her eyes slowly transitioning back to blue. She felt energized, hyper aware of everything.

"Thank you Sin.", she said almost shyly.

Sin smiled at them both before she stood and put on her jacket. "Thank you Sin.", Oliver said.

"It was nice to meet you both.", she said, before turning and leaving the room.

Oliver looked at Felicity with concern. "How do you feel?"

"I feel wonderful.", Felicity smiled and stood walking to him. Taking his hand she raised her lips to his and kissed him deeply. He could taste the blood still on her lips and desire shot through him, straight to his groin. He gripped her to him tightly, deepening the kiss to a hungry level. They broke the kiss, both of their eyes black, reflecting the desire and lust that was just below the surface.

"Let's go home.", she growled before grabbing his hand and hurrying out of the room, down the hall and out of the club.

Oliver knew their connection had caused feedings between them to be sensual and amazing. But how would their sex life be now that they were both vampires? He had never been with another vampire. He pushed his doubts to the side and took her immediately up the stairs to their room. She was on him before the door was completely shut, and Oliver growled low and seductively in his chest, before he grabbed her and took control.

He was getting his answer, and so far it was turning out that their sex life was going to be explosive.

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