Untitled Part 20

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The rest of the day passed pretty quickly and the next morning, Oliver and Felicity headed down for breakfast. Slade was arriving today, so there was a bit of tension in the air.

"Oliver, what do you need us to do today?", Roy asked as they ate their breakfast.

"I want you to keep in touch with your friend Sin. We need to know when Tommy and Laurel are on the move."

Roy nodded. "After seeing them at the club last night she has been following them.", he said.

"Good. John, can you make a trip to the store today? We may need some extra supplies with Slade being here." John nodded, as he took a bite of his eggs.

"Oliver, if it is ok with you, I thought I would explore the catacombs today. With Barry sick, I need some information to add to my notes.", Felicity said. Despite the fact the catacombs had been here for years Felicity had always avoided them. She was not exactly a fan of the dark, but she needed the notes for her paper that she would be presenting to her client.

"That is fine but I want either John or Roy with you at all times.", he said.

Roy nodded. "I can stay with her." Roy pulled out a gun and checked the chamber. It was filled with silver bullets. They would not kill a vampire like movies portrayed but they would slow one down. At least momentarily. He slipped it back into his waist.

"Just let me know when you are ready Felicity.", he said.

They finished breakfast and Felicity gave Oliver a kiss before heading to the catacombs with Roy right behind her.

"Roy!", Oliver said as he got to the door. "Keep your head on a swivel." Roy nodded before walking out.

Oliver was sitting at his desk a couple of hours later, while John had gone into town, when he felt a coldness enter the room. He looked up with a slight smile as he saw Slade standing before him. His stealth still amazed Oliver.

"Slade!", he said, standing to shake his hand.

"Got here as soon as I could kid.", Slade said returning his handshake. He looked at the portrait on the wall. "She is quite lovely your Felicity."

"Thank you for coming Slade." He proceeded to fill Slade in on everything that had happened and the intel they had so far on Tommy and Laurel. Afterward they talked about what had been happening in their lives since their last encounter.

"I don't understand. Why don't you just change her and be done with it?", Slade asked curiously.

"It is hard to explain." Oliver said lightly.

"Try me kid."

Oliver sighed. "You know more than anyone what this life is like Slade. What kind of toll it takes on you. The darkness and emptiness that reside inside of you. How can I ask her to take that on? How can I ask her to go through the blood lust, or ask her to carry the possible burden of killing someone?"

"I can't answer that question. But what I can tell you is that if you had her with you, by your side, you could see her through all of that. You wouldn't have to lose her ever again.", Slade said knowingly. Oliver saw a haunted look come over Slades eyes.

Slade looked at Oliver, his eyes intense. "Shado is dead.", he said.

Oliver looked in surprise. He had been thinking of her lately with everything that was going on and with Felicity begging him to change her. "What happened?"

"She was killed by Chase.", Slade said. Chase was a prolific vampire hunter that worked in Europe.

"But how did he catch her. I figured she would be too smart to get caught by someone like him.", Oliver said with frown.

"I don't know. I just know that she was lured to a location by someone, and Chase was waiting for her."

Oliver didn't feel any sadness at her passing. He still harbored strong hatred for what she had done to him. But he knew that Slade had once been in love with her. Oliver found this out when he and Slade were in hiding after they met.

"I'm sorry Slade." Oliver said. He did mean it.

Slade shook it off. "No worries kid. Now why don't you introduce me to your Felicity. I have been waiting a long time to meet her."

Oliver looked at his watch. She and Roy had been down in the catacombs for hours. He thought for sure she would have been back by now. Slade the worry cross Oliver's face.

"What is it?", he asked.

"Felicity and Roy went down to the catacombs this morning. They should have been back by now."

Slade stood up immediately. "Then we had better go check on them."

Oliver nodded before heading out of the room with Slade close behind. 

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