Untitled Part 8

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Barry woke from a good nap to his phone buzzing next to him. He smiled as he saw it was Iris, but frowned when he saw her message. She was sick, the flu. Barry battled with himself and then got up from his bed. He needed to go talk to Felicity. Closing his door behind him he wandered down to her room and knocked.

Felicity was sitting staring out the window when she heard a knock at the door. She opened it to see a worried looking Barry on the other side.

"Hi Barry, is everything ok?", she asked.

Barry sighed. "I am not sure. Iris texted me this morning and she has the flu. Her mother is out of town and I am worried that she has no one to take care of her.", he said.

Felicity smiled. Barry had met Iris a few weeks after their disastrous first date and they had been inseparable every since then. "You want to go take care of her don't you?"

"I'm sorry Felicity. I can go ahead and get what information we have downloaded and then come back when she feels better.", he said.

"That is fine Barry. Iris needs you.", she said as he moved to the bathroom to splash some water on her face.

"Are you going to be ok?", he asked, leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom.

Felicity washed her face then patted it dry with a towel. "Sure why?"

"Felicity I have seen the way Oliver looks at you. And for that matter the way you look at him."

Felicity placed the towel on the sink and turned to Barry with a sigh. "I don't know what it is Barry, I can't explain it. I am drawn to him for some reason."

"May I give you some advice Felicity? I have known you for a long time. You have never been one to wear your emotions on your sleeve but for some reason you do with Oliver. Maybe you need to figure out why. I mean maybe he is your Iris.", Barry said with a soft smile.

Felicity laughed, shaking her head and gave him a hug. "Tell Iris that I hope she feels better.", she said as he turned to the door. He gave her a wink before he hurried out the door.

Felicity decided she needed to go let John know that Barry was leaving and left the room heading down the stairs. She found John near the back of the house. He was remodeling a room with a slender, good looking young man.

"John?", she said, smiling as he looked up.

"Felicity! Hey, what can I do for you?", he asked as he straightened wiping his hands. Felicity noticed the young man beside him look up immediately at the mention of her name. His eyes widening in surprise.

"I just wanted to let you know that Barry is having to leave for awhile.", she said, as her eyes glanced at the young man again. He was watching her intently.

John saw her look at the young man, and motioned him forward. "Felicity Smoak I would like for you to meet Roy Harper. He is a caretaker here at the estate."

Roy stepped toward her. She looked exactly the same as she did in her portrait. He shook her hand softly and smiled. "Nice to meet you Miss Smoak."

"Oh please call me Felicity.", she smiled brightly.

He returned her smile and just stared for a moment. Felicity started to fidget under his stare, so she gave them both a smile. "Well I will let you two get back to your work. See you later." Turning she headed out.

Roy looked at John. "John, she looks exactly the same." John nodded before they both got back to work.

She headed to her room to type up all of her notes. An hour later, Felicity stretched closing her laptop. She was feeling good about the notes she had accumulated. She would work on some pictures later. Looking out the window, the garden beckoned to her. She needed a walk in the garden.

Felicity pulled the French doors closed behind her as she wandered down the path. Before she knew it her feet had taken her to the gazebo. It overlooked a small pond on the property and Felicity sat on the bench enjoying the quiet, the rustle of the leaves in the trees the only sound. Felicity felt him before she saw him. That magnetic pull ever present when he was near was palpable.


The sound whispered through her mind, and she turned toward Oliver. "You know sneaking up on someone is not a good idea.", she tried teasing. But it came out too soft.

He smiled and walked toward her, taking a seat next to her on the bench.

"This view is beautiful", she said, looking out over the water. She had become aware of him the moment he had arrived, and she licked her lips as she looked down for moment, then she looked right at him. His intense blue gaze was resting on her as it always did.

"I had a dream earlier. About Jonas and Megan.", she said, watching his expression. "Why would I do that?"

Oliver looked at her in surprise, but quickly masked it.

"Why would I dream about a couple I have never met before, and why in the hell would they morph into you and me?", she asked. Her heart was pounding and she was feeling agitated as she waited to see what he would say. She didn't want to hear what he might tell her, so she held her breath. She was a practical person. She worked with hard, concrete items, things that you could see, touch, feel. She had never been one to believe in the mystical, in past lives or things that defied logic. But something was tugging at her, something was telling her to take a leap of faith. To just believe.

"What does your heart tell you Felicity?", he asked just watching her. Were her memories returning?

She stood and walked to the railing, gripping it with her hands as she kept her gaze forward. She really didn't know what to think. But something in her soul told her she did.

"I had a vivid dream of Megan arguing with her father. He was sending her to live with her Aunt Liza.", she turned to look at him, leaning her hips against the railing as she gauged his reaction to the name. Oliver stood and walked over to her, his eyes imploring, but he didn't say anything.

"And then she ran out of the house and went to see Jonas. They kissed..........", she said softly. "We kissed!", she whispered.

Oliver's eyes close briefly as he heard her words. Then he opened his eyes and nodded. Felicity's eyes turned confused.

"I hear you saying my name Oliver. It whispers through my mind. Why? Why am I so drawn to you?", she choked out.

And then he was kissing her. Moving so swiftly that he almost cut off her last words. His hands were cupping her face, his lips moving over hers with desperate persistence. She gripped his biceps, feeling her legs would give out as his tongue plundered her mouth. Tasting, asking, giving, wanting, needing. And then she heard his voice in her head.

"You know why my love! You just need to admit it......you need to remember."

Felicity whimpered under the onslaught of his kiss and gripped him tighter. Her body responded to his and her hands moved up to hold his face. She wanted to let him consume her and then she saw flashes.....them kissing.......his hands on her body........their bodies intertwined.......them making love....him telling her he loved her.....him biting her neck, and she pulled away with a gasp. She looked into his eyes and saw the truth, the truth she knew deep down in the depths of her soul, and he knew she did.

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