Untitled Part 6

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Oliver kept some space between them as they walked the halls. He wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and kiss her until she was breathless, but he knew he had to be patient. It was going to be hard enough when he told her the truth about himself. It always was.

As they walked along Oliver answered her questions about the wood in the foyer. He told her of how Jonas had the bloodwood brought in from South America. How the stones from the exterior were carved from a nearby quarry and how the design of the home had been Megan's idea.

Felicity stopped and looked at him in surprise. "You mean this home was designed by Megan?", she said with surprise.

Oliver smiled softly at her, "Well you could say that. Jonas and Megan spent many nights together and over that time they talked about how their life would be if they could be together, married, as man and wife. And so as part of that dream they jotted down things that they both wanted in a home, hence the large library.", he said. Oliver led her down the hall and up the stairs but to right, away from the bedrooms. She could not get over the details in the arches of the doorways or the intricate designs in the window panes. Felicity found herself enthralled as she listened to the history and as he showed her the other rooms, she found herself getting lost in the history and the romance.

"John showed me the cemetery earlier.", she said as she looked over the pictures.

Oliver clenched his jaw. Dammit John! He knew John meant well, but he had not wanted her to see that yet. He wasn't sure he was prepared for the questions. He wasn't.

"I saw Megan's gravestone. It looks like it has been lovingly cared for over the centuries."

Oliver swallowed and nodded. "It was part of the deed to the house. Whoever became owner was to have the headstone groomed everyday."

Felicity's eyes teared. "He loved her that much?"

Oliver looked straight at her, "He does."

Felicity stared into his eyes, moisture glistening in her depths, her lips slightly parted. Oh to have someone love her like that.

Oliver resisted the urge to touch her. It was not time. "Come let's head down to the garden and get some air." Oliver led her down the back staircase to the french doors and outside. As they strolled among the flowers, he told her of the history of each of the plants that lined the path, and of the bench that had been placed among the greenery. But eventually they found themselves at the gazebo, and Felicity walked up the steps and leaned on the railing, taking a deep breath. Oliver could feel her heart quicken and again had to fight the urge to reach for her.

"Their love sounds amazing.", Felicity said softly. So softly that if Oliver did not have vampiric hearing he would have missed it completely.

Hearing the wistfulness in her tone, Oliver moved closer. He could feel the quickening of his blood as he looked at the way the breeze ruffled her hair, how small her hands were laying on the railing, and despite all of his years of learning to control his urges, he felt his canines shift just slightly. Her blood always called to him.

Felicity was very aware of Oliver and she hitched her breath as she felt him move closer to her. She ran earlier, because she didn't understand his draw nor the reason for the voice she heard in her head. But she did know that his body called to her. And god help her she wanted to respond. Closing her eyes as she felt her want of him wash over her, she did not pull away when she felt his hand gently stroke her hair. She wanted to stay in this moment, even if for a little while. It had been a long time since she had been with anyone, but he affected her as no other man ever had.

Oliver's eyes closed briefly as he felt her soft gold strands run through his fingertips. She didn't move away from him, in fact he felt her shift closer. He was not sure she even knew she did it. Oliver leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to her shoulder, and he felt a shudder course through her body. He knew he should stop before he did something that would spook her, but as with each time he loved her, he simply could not. He saw her knuckles turn white as they gripped the railing, and his lips skimmed up her neck to her pulse point. Oliver's body was humming. Again he felt his canines shift as he neared the spot where he had fed from her so many times before, and he suddenly pulled away.

Felicity's eyes opened when she felt his distance. A whimper of loss escaped her lips, and she turned and looked at him. Oliver about lost all control. Her eyes were glassy with want and confusion, and before he did something that they would both regret later, he simply left.

Felicity blinked as she looked to where he had stood. He was simply gone. 

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