Untitled Part 21

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Felicity whimpered as she looked over at Roy. He had been unconscious for awhile and she was getting concerned. Laurel had ambushed them when they were nearing the end of the catacombs, surprising Roy and knocking him out before she had gagged her and tied Felicity's hands and had her sit down on the ground. Felicity had tried desperately to reach Laurel, to see if any of her friend was left inside of her, but there was nothing. Laurel's eyes were dead and she barely said two words. But Felicity knew what she had not said. Tommy would be coming for her. She tried moving her hands but they were tied well.

"Please come find me Oliver.", she thought in her mind.

Oliver had told her that he could feel her, even when she was not with him. She hoped that he could feel her now.

Felicity's eyes widened in fear as she saw a figure enter through the garden entrance. It was Tommy, and his eyes were glowing.

He gently stroked Laurel's cheek as she passed her. "Good job Laurel.", he said before crouching down in front of Roy. He tsk'd as he looked him over.

"Not much of a bodyguard were you?", he said, speaking to Roy.

Felicity thought she saw Roy twitch, but she placed her focus back on Tommy and Laurel. She needed to be on high alert with these two.

Tommy stood and made his way over to Felicity. Crouching down in front of her he fingered her hair as he smiled coldly. There was none of the light in his eyes like what she saw in Oliver. He had lost his soul.

"Well isn't this wonderful.", he said, sliding a finger down her cheek. "You sitting here waiting for me like a good girl."

Felicity pulled her face away from his touch and glared at him with her eyes. It was the only thing she could do with her mouth gagged.

"I'm sorry we had to gag that pretty mouth Felicity. But I couldn't have you screaming, as much as I would love that.", he said. He leaned closer and sniffed at her pulse point in her neck. Felicity shivered in fear.

"He fed on you this morning.", Tommy said. His lips in a thin line.

Tommy stood up and walked over to Laurel. "Take him outside and get rid of him.", he said as he looked at Roy.

Laurel smiled a wicked, dead smile before grabbing his arms, and pulling him down the path toward the entrance. She would have fun with this one.

Tommy looked back at Felicity and she could tell he was annoyed. "It hurts me that you let him feed on you Felicity." He walked back over to her and pulled her roughly to her feet. "Well that will be the last time he gets to taste you. Because from now on it will only be me." He tugged her toward him until her body was flush with his, his lips skimming down her neck, hovering over her pulse point.

Felicity closed her eyes expecting a bite, when she heard a scream of rage unlike anything she has ever heard before. It was feral and raw and so filled with rage that Felicity couldn't help but open her eyes as Tommy was dragged away from her. It was Oliver. He threw Tommy across the room and Tommy crashed into the wall before sliding to the ground. Oliver turned to Tommy, his eyes black as night, his fangs bared, and slowly he stalked toward him. Felicity saw another man standing near the doorway. He was not as tall as Oliver but he was stockier in build and he had an air about him that made you look at him twice. Felicity saw Tommy move to his feet and a cold smile crossed his lips.

"I see you brought help with you today Queen.", Tommy said as he looked toward Slade. But Oliver was not hearing anything as he grabbed Tommy by the shirt and punched him so hard, that his head fell back at an awkward angle. But he looked back up at Oliver and wiped his mouth with a wicked grin. Then before Oliver could react, Tommy had moved behind him and grabbed Felicity. She cried out as he yanked her hair back, and she saw Slade move closer as Oliver's rage hit its peak.

Before she knew what was happening, Felicity felt Tommy bite down on her neck, and a scream washed through the gag as he started to suck. Oliver looked on in horror as Tommy started to drain her. He wanted to move but Tommy would break her neck before he could get to her. HIs cry of anguish filled the cave as he saw Felicity starting to sag in Tommy's grip.

Oliver felt his life draining with her and before he drained her Tommy let her slide to his feet, wiping his mouth with his hand. In the blink of an eye Slade had him by the head and twisting with all of his strength he tore Tommy's head from his body, killing him instantly. Oliver paid no attention as he scrambled toward Felicity, tenderly pulling the gag from her mouth and untying her hands. She was barely hanging on. Slade threw Tommy's body aside, and kneeled down next to Oliver as he held her to him. Oliver's eyes filled with tears and they slowly slid down his cheeks as he looked at her. His love.

"You still have time to change her Oliver." Slade said softly. "It's not too late."

John and Roy came running in as they heard Oliver's cry of anguish. They had stood transfixed at the door to the cave as Felicity's lifeless body slid to the floor and Slade killed Tommy.

John had come upon Laurel getting ready to kill Roy and he had surprised her, killing her instantly by removing her head with a sword. They both watched as Oliver held Felicity lovingly in his arms. He slit his wrist and held it over her lips as his blood dripped from his arm into her mouth. He encouraged her to swallow as best she could as he held her gently. it had been a sudden decision. The thought of losing her again had tore at his soul because they had so little time together this lifetime. He needed her like his body needed blood. She was his soul mate, his everything.

Pulling her body to him he rocked gently with her, his tears falling unheeded as they waited.

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