Untitled Part 19

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Felicity trembled as she stood there waiting. Oliver stalked around the desk, his eyes searching hers. Seeing the acceptance, the love and the desire shining there, he turned her quickly and lifted her onto his desk. Before she could respond Oliver was kissing her deeply, and Felicity melted. She was a little nervous with this being their first feeding in this lifetime, but they had been here before and she trusted him.

Oliver slid his lips across her cheek and down to her neck. She leaned her head to the side in invitation, and Oliver could not resist. One hand held her head and the other her waist, as he moved closer between her legs, and licked her pulse point. Felicity moaned and he bit down and started to suck. Felicity cried out in pleasure as her eyes closed. The sensation of him sucking on such a sensitive area, plus being pressed between her thighs was causing Felicity's core to ache. As he initiated a particularly hard suction, Felicity felt her body respond and she moaned louder. Oliver's body became rock hard as he tasted her blood, and heard her moans. The sounds she was making were as intoxicating as her blood. Felicity shifted her hips and moaned again, as her body started to climb toward an orgasm. When he had first told her that some women had an orgasm from a feeding she had not believed him. But oh how wrong she had been. And now, having been his food source for several lifetimes it was no longer a surprise to her. In fact she let herself go, and as he sucked harder, she cried out as her body released. Oliver immediately released his bite, letting his tongue slide over the bite wound to seal them shut as her body released in waves of such intense pleasure, that she was sure it would never end. She held onto him as she shuddered and he gently kissed the bite mark. Felicity collapsed against him with a smile on her lips. He knew she would be weak while her blood built back up, so he gently picked her up, and opened the door, carrying her upstairs. Despite the fact that his body wanted to find release as well, he ignored it. Now was not the time, and she was in no state to pleasure him.

Opening their bedroom door, he gently laid her on the bed. She was already fast asleep. Oliver felt the adrenaline of her blood coursing through him as he changed into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. Grabbing his hoodie he pulled a blanket over her, and kissed her forehead before leaving the bedroom and closing the door behind him.

Oliver jogged down the stairs feeling better than he had in a long time. He decided to go for a run, but before he left he asked Roy to go check in with his friend Sin. They needed to know what Tommy and Laurel were up to now. John assured Oliver that he would keep an eye on Felicity, and Oliver nodded before heading out the back doors.

Oliver ran through the garden and then down the street toward The Glades. Because of his current feeding Oliver's speed was enhanced and he made it to The Glades quicker than usual. Circling through, he worked his way back to the edge of the city. He decided to take the route near the vamp club on 5th Street, where Tommy and Laurel had been spotted. He made sure to stay out of sight as he surveyed the area. He spotted Tommy and Laurel heading into the club to feed, and made his way quickly back to his house. At least he knew they were no longer on his property. But he also knew they were building their strength.

Oliver headed up the stairs to take a shower, and slid silently into the bedroom. Felicity was still sound asleep and he smiled as he headed to the bathroom. Feedings with her had always been more than anything he had ever experienced. He laughed softly as he showered and remembered the first time he told her that women could have an orgasm from a feeding experience. Her face had been shocked. But then she had experienced the most intense orgasm while he was feeding on her for the first time, and it had actually become a favorite bonding time for them. A time for just the two of them to be together, accepting of one another. He had grown to love her more each time they shared that experience.

Toweling dry and then throwing a towel around his hips he moved back into the bedroom staying quiet. She looked so peaceful, that he couldn't resist her, and throwing on a clean pair of sweats, he crawled up next to her and placed an arm around her waist, pulling her back to him. He buried his face in her hair, inhaling her scent, as he relaxed and dozed off.

Felicity woke to a warm feeling along her back and she opened her eyes slowly with a smile, remembering the feeding. It always surprised her that the experience was one of her favorite times with Oliver. The fact that she could be a life source for him. That she could be that important to the man she loved made her heart race.

Turning in his arms, Felicity started kissing him quickly all over his face. He made her so very happy just with his presence.

"Hey!", he laughed, playfully trying to duck her kisses.

She pulled back and smiled. "Soo, how was your run?", she asked cheekily. She knew after every feeding he went for a run. Her blood seemed to energize him.

Oliver sat up and pulled her to his chest. "Well I saw Tommy and Laurel." Felicity sat up straight.


"They were entering the vamp club on 5th Street. I am fairly certain they were there for a feeding.", he said.

"Oliver now that I am here you need to feed regularly. If you are going to keep up your strength to deal with Tommy you have to be your strongest self.", she said earnestly.

Oliver sighed. "I know love. Also, Slade will be here tomorrow."

Felicity frowned for a moment. "Oliver, how do you know you can trust him?" She wasn't real familiar with vampire code, so to speak, but she knew that friendship among vampires was very rare. They were loners, for the most part, unless they found their soul mate.

"I wouldn't necessarily use the word trust, but he owes me.", Oliver said, stroking her hair. "Everything will be ok Felicity."

Felicity nodded and pressed forward. "Have you thought anymore about changing me Oliver? The threat from Tommy would be gone if I was already a vampire.", she said, watching his face closely.

Oliver closed his eyes. Despite the Tommy situation this particular topic HAD been on his mind. But he was not ready to address it just yet.

"Can we talk about this later? I'm....I'm just not ready yet.", he said imploringly.

"Yes Oliver. But I am not giving up on this.", she said, before she leaned over and gave him a kiss.

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