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Trigger warning mentions of emotional abuse/manipulation, mentions of sex

On his way home from his final class of the day, John recieved a message from A.

AnotherScottishTragedy: Good morning John :)

John_Laurens: "Good morning?" It's 3 in the afternoon.

AnotherScottishTragedy: Yeah... about that. You know how I said I hadn't slept in a week? I kind of passed out for 17 hours...

John_Laurens: Hooray, you finally got some sleep! Are you feeling better?

AnotherScottishTragedy: It feels wonderful. Honestly, I'd forgotten what it felt like to sleep for more than half an hour at a time.

John_Laurens: That worries me, A. I know you're busy but it's not good for you to go so long without sleep.

AnotherScottishTragedy: My work is more important than sleep.

John_Laurens: I know the feeling, A. I went to class while sick because my studies were more important than my health.

John_Laurens: I really wanted to take a gap year and travel, but my parents thought it was stupid and refused to let me. So I'm trying to graduate early so I can spend the year that would have been my final year of college traveling.

AnotherScottishTragedy: I understand that. I'm seeking an accelerated course of study so I can graduate early and make the most of my career. It's quite draining, but I honestly think draining is what I like.

AnotherScottishTragedy: I'm incapable of sitting still. I'm... restless, I guess you could say. I'm not satisfied unless I'm absolutely exhausted from working so hard. When I collapse from not sleeping for a week, yeah I'm exhausted, but it feels good in a way. Like the kind of exhaustion you feel after an intense workout. It hurts, but in a good way.

John_Laurens: That's mildly unhealhy, but I understand where you're coming from.

AnotherScottishTragedy: I will never be satisfied.

John laughed.

John_Laurens: "I will never be satisfied." Like Hamilton's novel.

AnotherScottishTragedy: Yeah... Hamilton's novel. Sometimes I quote things without meaning to. A bad habit I guess.

AnotherScottishTragedy: Hey, wanna hear something interesting about Alexander? 

John_Laurens: Sure

AnotherScottishTragedy: Alexander wrote the part about never being satisfied at two in the morning while crying about being rejected by the guy he likes.

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