Chapter 21

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I had to meet up again with Rihanna shortly after I'd left Beyonce's room. I just couldn't find it in myself to stay longer, the guilt totally gnawing away at me. Yet, the last thing I wanted to do was leave. 

So all I could do was pretend everything was still okay. Which it most certainly wasn't, but there was nothing else I could do.

I got changed into my swimsuit, opting for the neon pink look and tying my hair up. If nothing else, it was good to be home again, trying to get back into a normal routine swing of things. On my way down to the pool, I stopped by the bar and made myself a drink to sip on while I wandered outside.

Rihanna was out there, laying out in the sun. Normani and Dinah Jane were in the pool for now. However, I opted to go sit next to Rihanna for now. It felt like the better thing to do. I continued to sip the margarita, eventually laying back down next to her.

"It's been a weird couple of days, huh?" I asked her, looking over to her for some sage words of wisdom like she tended to have.

"I guess. Everyone's been off." Rihanna shook her head, but gave me a nudge after a few moments. "You wanna come with me later? Sasha told me I need to bring someone with me, but I'm picking up a new girl." 

"Oh yeah?" I straightened out, interest peaked once more. The margarita could wait for a moment. "Who is she supposed to be?"

"A princess, supposedly." Rihanna huffed a little and laughed. "We can handle her though. But...we got time before that." 

She was walking her fingers up my leg, grinning at me. My smirk matched hers though, a low, almost purr coming from my throat. "How much time before that?"

I could forget about Sasha- Beyonce for a few hours. I had to for my own sanity. And I'd be stupid not to take up Rihanna on any of her offers anyways, can't blame me for wanting it.

"A couple hours. We might be able to get a little wet first and everything." 

I set down my glass, a fatal mistake. Though I had moved to hover over her, she slipped out from under me with a graceful elegance and scooped me up to toss me in the pool. Go figure. 

When I came up, sputtering and shocked, she was just laughing. Though, so were Normani and Dinah Jane. 

"The least you could do is help me back out," I told her, shaking my head as I went back to the side and stuck out my hand for her.

"Hmm...I guess that'd be the nice thing to do, huh?" Her bikini was a pure white, sitting high on her hips. Still, she took my hand, and I did the only acceptable thing to do in the situation: I pulled her in with me.

I barely had time to dry my hair before we had to go. We were meeting this princess at a diner downtown, and I at least had time to zip up my crop top in the car since I'd been so rushed out. I had to make sure I looked hot, seeing as there was only one room for one princess in that house and it was going to remain being me. 

When we entered, it was pretty clear who we were there to meet. 

Sitting at a booth in the back corner, there was a tanned girl sitting on her own. She had a dark lipstick on notably, and a light brown hair she'd tied up. Otherwise, her outfit seemed to be a...I couldn't tell if it was latex from the door, but it looked like it. Either way, it was a latex or vinyl dark dress, a pink fluffy coat on top of it. I could also make out a black choker around her neck.

"That's a fuckin' princess alright," Rihanna said, shaking her head and taking my head as we went over to sit across from her. "Ariana?"

She put down her phone, shutting her lipstick. "That's me, yes." Her smile was pure white, and she had a youthful innocence about her. 

"You were in contact with Sasha, weren't you? About joining our vixens?" Rihanna was leading this meeting, which I was fine with. 

For such a small girl, she had a medium sized bag that she pulled a glock handgun out of. Honestly, it might've been bigger than her head, and it looked quite comedic in her hand with her pastel pink acrylics. "You're not Sasha. I was promised that was who I was meeting." 

"No, I'm Rihanna, her second in command. And this is my boo, Nicki." 

I waved.

"She sent us because she's gotten sick and doesn't want to get you sick too. Said something about it being unprofessional," Rihanna continued, "so you can put the gun away." 

Ariana seemed hesitant, but she did put it back into her bag. "And you guys can offer me safety?" 

"Of course," Rihanna told her. "And a place in our communal home. It's a fun place, really, I'm sure you'll enjoy it." 

"And we what? Run a cover?"

"And more." Rihanna winked. "I can give you the full rundown on the ride back, does that sound good?"


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