Taking Another Break

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So as some of you may know my life for the past few months has horribly sucked. My cat (who was like my own child) passed away, my dog passed away, I was overwhelmed with work, had some issues with a coworker which stressed me out immensly, I failed my math class, I had consistant car troubles, I was sick for two weeks straight, I worked thanksgiving AND christmas eve, depression took over.

Now my luck has run out again.

Overall this one has got to be the worst.

My worst fears in life were (a) having my cat die and (b) my mom being diagnoised with cancer like my grandmother.

Both of my worst fears have come true.

So for now I will be taking down Finding Clara because I feel its not necessary to have up when I'm not even ready to publish it yet.

This story will be pushed back but I will update when I can, but for right now all my free time is dedicated to watching true crime dramas with my mom while eating breakfast foods. I will be taking time off again in February while my sister has her surgery and then again in May when my mom has hers.

Right now I am not in a good place to even think about romance or plot twists. I just want to spend time with my mom.

I hop you guys understand.

Lots of love!

- Annelie Leddy

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