The phone call

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sukorxcrazy and Surajlover here the update

Recap: A wedding with some possessiveness by Sahil for Alizah.

Alizah was cuddling in the sleep with Sahil, she had turned many times just to be close to him.

Sahil wasn't holding her tight, his grip was firm and soft, he could feel each of her movements and woke up, staring at her.

Alizah smiles, "good morning Sahil." She said having a bright smile on her face, she was looking into his eyes, "how you feel?" She asked politely and he was confused.

"Alizah what you did?" He glares at her, the smile she had on her face vanished in seconds. She stood up and left the room, entering the washroom with a slamming door.

Sahil startles. Damn it, Sahil sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut. He stood up and hits himself on his head, but softly.

"Alizah I'm sorry please come out." He went near the washroom door and knocked on it, "Alizah?" She wasn't giving him any heed.

Sahil shook his head, he sat back on the bed taking a deep breath, when the landline starts to ring.

"Pick up the damn phone!" She shouts out of the washroom.

Sahil was scared. It was just one ring, come on yaar. He took another breath and lift the receiver.

"Good Morning Sahil speaking."

"Good Morning Sahil, how are you?"

Sahil was confused for the moment, "I'm fine, Diana?"

He could hear the laugh, "you recognise my voice, yes it's me Diana. I'm so sorry, when I got to know about the accusation I had to talk to you."

Diana and Sahil are friends and colleagues, they have worked together in the hospital, (Nemo316 right guess)

"Yes, you have no idea how they treated with me. They didn't tried to believe or listen to me besides one all were against me." He said and was looking at the locker washroom door.

"I guess your wife, who is madly in love with you." She said and Sahil formed a smile on his face.

The door opens and she was glaring at him, "turn your face." She was hell angry on him and he did it, she rushed to the wardrobe and took a towel, she wrapped it on her wet body and looked at him.

"You can what? Testify my innocent how?"

Alizah's ears were hot to know more about it, she sat next to him on the bed and looked at him, gesturing him with her hand. <who is this?>

Sahil smiles, "Diana now after talking to you it feels like all is coming back in small bites, please meet me at my advocate's office. Don't tell me anything here or else this could be misunderstood and your statement won't be allowed."

She understood, "Sure, give me the address I will be there anytime."

Sahil gave her the address, "I will contact you about the meeting after I have appointment. Thank you so much."

Diana shook her head, "nothing to thank me. I'm here to help you and if you would have done a mistake I would sentenced you on my own, but you are innocent I can't let you suffer because of her own vendetta. See you there."

They ended the call and Alizah was looking at him with big teary eyes, "you have found a prove?" She asked him, he comes closer and wipes her tears away with his thumbs, "Alizah now we are going to fight back. Get ready we have to meet the advocate."

Alizah nods, she went to her closet and took the next best thing she found and wore it, "okay I'm ready." She was so happy and excited for him. Sahil took his fresh clothes and was ready too, he was calling the advocate's office and got an appointment. He then messaged to Diana about it, who immediately replied to his message.

•on my way!•

They were so happy, Sahil bought her food, "Alizah here eat this you will have some energy and your stomach won't growl all the time." He hand over her a butter croissant and hot chocolate to drink.

Alizah was happy, she gave him a bite of her croissant the hard and yucky edges. She loves the middle part, which is soft, buttery and shifty.

Diana come as soon as possible and they entered the office of Sahil's lawyer, unfortunately Alizah had to stay out of the room as it could be taken negatively in front of the court. She is the wife of the accused and could influent the witness.

Alizah was waiting impatiently of them, finally after an hour or so the door opens. Sahil come out with Diana, both were happy as well as the lawyer.

Alizah stood up and rushed to them, "they tell me what happened, is everything fine?"

Sahil nods, "more than fine. Now she will pay for it. We have evidences for my innocent."

Alizah widen her mouth, "what really, which one?"

They all shook their heads, "sorry we can't tell you now. It will all reveal at the court hearing or if Mehek agrees extrajudicial." Sahil said, but Alizah shook her head.

"What you mean by extrajudicial? Have you lost your mind, should I remember you what her accusation has cost you? The humiliations you have gone through, the defaming and destroying your hard work, the reputation of yours which is like nothing anymore. We will go to the court and make her pay for it. She should go through the same pain and humiliation. I don't care what you think, we can't sloop so low, for your information I bet with you, she will never agree for an extrajudicial. She thinks we have nothing to prove your innocent, but she is wrong."

Diana nods, "I think Alizah is right. You are not the first one, who got accused by a woman. In this world they are misusing these kind of situations and making it hard for the real ones, who have gone through a real harassment. You have to stop it and fight against it."

Even the lawyer said it, "you can't just see the helpless woman in her. She is a devil and has planned it for long time. Like they said for other's it will become hard to prove."

Sahil agreed to them, they reached home and were happy.

Alizah looked at him, finally he was smiling after a long time, she cuddles with him.

Court hearing
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