"on the count of three we are going to say our news!"

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"Ok so on the count of three we are going to say our news!" I said to my boyfriend Grayson.
"Ok. 1" he said
"2" I said starting to smile
"3" he said.
"I'm" I started
"Moving to Los Angeles!" He said excited.
"I- um oh?" I said and I stopped smiling.
"Babe, this is going to be so good for my career!" He said still happy.
"I know I just um, I'm shocked. Wow when are you leaving?" I chocked out. I can't tell him.
"Three days me and E fly out!" He said kinda sadly.
"How Long have you known?" I asked looking back up at him.
"3 weeks, we have everything we need down there. We have a house ready. And everything." He said getting happier. (A/N I know that they had like 2 apartments before they got their house but they got the house right away here lol!)
"Why didn't you tell me"
"I'm sorry I was gonna talk you i was waiting for the perfect time and then you said you had news, so I was just gonna tell you then. What's your news btw?" He said smiling at me.
"Oh it's not really relevant anymore. I guess"I said looking at my stomach.
"you know you can tell me whatever it is."

I got into my car and drove away while crying. I have no one now. Grayson was the only person I had. My parents hate me, so they kicked me out. I moved into the apartment I'm living in now.
Then I met Grayson. He was always there for me with everything. We started dating. I was sooo happy. Then I got pregnant. I am currently 1 1/2 months pregnant. I wanted to tell Grayson tonight but he's moving! I don't know if I'm gonna tell him now.
I drove home and got into the shower. I looked down at my baby bump. It was Barely noticeable but there. I already love this baby so much. I really hope it's a girl. I got out of the shower and got dressed into some clean clothes. I went downstairs and got a pear because 🤤🤤 and then watched tv for a bit. (Her apartment is really nice, if you know what james apartment looks like that's what it looks like. The apartment not the house) I went upstairs and climbed into my bed. I decided to text Grayson because I felt bad.
G- Grayson O- Olivia
O- I'm sorry I didnt mean to react like that.
~two minutes later~
G- it's okay V. I would react like that too.
O- but Grayson we are going to need to break up. It's not going to work. Long distance doesn't work. And it's not going to work for the baby.
G- what baby?????
O- um I mean me, it's not going to work for me, baby.
G- oh I understand what you mean. But I love you so much Olivia.😪
O- I love you to Grayson but you and I know both it won't work out.
G- but we can still stay friends and in touch
O- of course I would love that.
G- perfect. Goodnight baby💕
G- I mean Olivia sorry
O-it's okay gray. It will take a while to get over. But goodnight❤️

My heart ♥️

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