"i smiled and shut the door to the apartment"

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*beep* *beep* *beep*
I woke up to my stupid phone. Ofc my alarm had to go off. I quickly got out my camera and presses record.
"Hey gu- wtf?? I look like a boy. Anyways I just woke up and today I'm moving to my new house! I stayed up last night so late and literally packed my entire half of the apartment. I packed everything!! Holy shit. I'm leaving everything like the couches and bed and stuff so I can get all new. But right now it is 7am and I get to officially move in at 8:40 so let's get ready with the little stuff we have to get ready with!" I smiled at the camera and then cut it.
"Ok I'm back in the bathroom and I'm doing my makeup. This isn't going to be good nor fresh so I'm putting a fast motion on it haha haha lol ok bye"
I did my makeup, just a simple natural makeup. I started the camera again.
"Ok so I just went for a simple makeup look because fuck it. I don't need to have a caked face because I hate it when people have their faces all caked up. It doesn't make sense. You are all so so so beautiful you don't need makeup to prove it. Ok so *ding* i *ding* am *ding* ready to *ding* what the fuck go? Why is my phone blowing up so god damn much?"
I looked down at my phone and there was all sorts of dms and YouTube comments and whatnot. I put my phone back down since I didn't want to deal with drama right now.
"I'm back and my phone was blowing up but I don't wanna see what drama is stirred up now soo. Not gonna look at it anyways, but I'm ready to leave." *she was still recording btw*
I walked to the door and took one last look at this apartment. Me and Ava had some really great times here.
"Aren't you just so excited?" I asked Ava.
she nodded.
"We are going to have the most beautiful babies ever. And they are going to be best friends. You know Olivia I don't know what i would do without you. Your so amazing and I love you so much. If anything ever happens to us like we fall apart. I just want to tell you that you will forever have a place in my heart and you will forever be my best friend. Our daughters well I hope are going to be best friends. We are going to be the best moms.!" Ava exclaimed looking into my eyes.
"I love you so much av" I said hugging her.
"I love you more than you ever know Olivia."
End of flashback
I didn't know I was crying until I had a full face of tears. I was sobbing. On camera great. I looked back into the view finder.
"I'm sorry I look like shit. I'm going to miss it here. And Ava if your watching this. When you get your shit together. We can be best friends again. I just need to know when your back. I will always love you to bestie." I said choked up. I took one last look at the inside of the apartment. I had mostly left everything. I smiled and then shut the door to the apartment.

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