"i heard you call yourself a dolan"

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Olivia POV—
2 1/2 weeks later
"It will be okay, the doctors here are amazing, and she will be just fine" cam assured me.
I am freaking out about the fact that I was discharged and bailey has to stay at the hospital. I'm fine and free to go but she's still too small so she has to stay there.
"There's no what ifs bailey, she will be fine." Cam leaned over and hugged me.
I just stood stiff, I can't leave!!
"Bailey" cam put her hands on shoulders and looked me in the eyes.
"She will be fine."
I nodded and a tear slipped out.
"Let's to see her and then we can go to the dealership" cam notified me.
I nodded and then stood up. I was all better and was feeling a little but barely any pain in my wrist. That was all that hurt.
We walked back into the hospital.
We were inside the hosptial earlier but the doctor told me that they had to keep bailey, so I ran outside and cried for the Longest time.
Cam followed and then hugged me while I cried.
We stepped inside and cam said " I need to use the restroom, meet me upstairs"
I smiled and proceeded to the front desk.
Once i reached the front desk the lady was looking at her computer.
"Hello?" I asked sweetly.
Her green eyes looked into mine and as soon as she saw me her eyes went dark.
"Yeah?" She asked rudely.
"Oh um, I need to get into the special care nursery" I was a bit taken back by her response but I still asked sweetly.
"And?" She was chomping on her gum and it was annoying me so bad.
My hormones are ranging because
1. I just had a fucking baby
2. My fans have been asking where I'm at and wondering what I'm doing, they aren't annoying me it's just there so scared and I feel bad for not updating anyone because I DONT KNOW WHERE MY FUCKING PHONE IS AT
oof, excuse me didn't mean to be a bitch like that.
"And??" The nurse asked again, rolling her eyes.
"AND WHAT, BE MORE CLEAR!" I screamed back at her. She was a bit taken back at first but she didn't hesitate to stand up and slap me across the face.
"Uhuh!" I said and grabbed my face.You know when like you don't know somethings about to happend and you make that weird sound with your mouth like your breathing in a lot of air, your like huhhhh. Well that's the sound she was making, like she was scared. Loll.)
"Mamn" the security stepped in and took her away.
Another security guard walked up to me.
"Excuse me miss um," He asked like he was asking for my last name.
"Dolan" i said not even knowing what I said.
Did I just say dolan? I'm a Rourye.
"Rourye sorry" I nervously chuckled.
He nodded.
"So mamn what happend?" He asked me.
"Uhm, she was acting very rude towards me and then I told her where I needed to be and go and she kept saying and, and I didn't know what she meant so I said "and what be more clear" and she got up and slapped me. I don't know if I said anything. But once she saw me her eyes turned dark so i don't really know."
I was panicking at this point, I felt like I was In trouble but I obviously wasn't.
She just looked at me and the ways her eyes turned dark scared tf out of me.
Why did that happen?
"Ok mam, may I have your phone number" He asked me.
"Oh yes, it's 555-976-6839" I replied.
(Made up do not try to call"
"Ok I will contact you, the police may try to contact you too. Obviously something is up to make her slap you." The security guard said to me.
"Ok thank you very much!" I shook his hand.
He nodded and then walked away.
I walked back up into the nursery room and then I saw Cameron standing there by bailey.
Nobody was allowed to hold her yet but we could still stand by her and hold her hand.
"Hey" I said pulling my gloves on.
"Hey, the nurse was in here right before me and she said that everything was fine." Cameron nervously smiled to me.
Something was up with her, like she knew something. Huh. Who knows?!
I nodded.
"Cameron is something up?" I asked.
Cameron's pov—
"Rourye sorry" she nervously chuckled.
I walked away, holy shit.
Olivia seriously just called herself a dolan. I can't believe it.
I mean it was obviously a mistake but wow, I'm not mad or anything I'm just surprised.
I walked up into the room. I saw a nurse standing there fiddling with one of baileys wires, then she pulled it out.
"Hey!" I yelled and walked over to her.
"What are you doing!" I was fuming.
this nurse is gonna kill her just because she doesn't know what she's going!!
"Are you the mother mam?" The nurse asked.
I wanted to know what she was doing so I nodded.
"Ok, well I just removed the feeding tube, she is well enough to be drinking milk, and I assume that you have pumped already, yes?" The nurse asked me.
I nodded once more.
"Ok so bring that milk in tomorrow if you can, and we can get things sorted out, I can assure you she is JUST fine!" The nurse smiled.
"Thank you very much!" I smiled back. Phew.
The nurse nodded and then exited the room.
I walked back over to the dispenser and washed my hands, put gloves, a mask, and a robe on.
(You have to in greys so you have to here lol)
I walked back over to Bailey and then Olivia showed up.
I got butterflies because what if she knew that I heard her call herself a dolan.
I really have gotten to learn a lot about Olivia in these past couple of days, mom and dad have had to work but my college has a huge break rn so I got to keep a break.
(If that make sense)
I know about how, she was out with Nate before she got into the accident, and how grayson lied, Ethan called her cute, her YouTube and shit. I know it all.
Tbh in my opinion she should get with Ethan ;)
"Hey!" She said pulling her gloves on.
"Hey the nurse was in here right before me and she said that everything was fine." I nervously smiled at her. Can she tell somethings up?
She nodded and then said, "Cameron is something up?"
Olivia POV—
Cam looked at me nervously and then replied with, "I um it's just that.." she stuttered to go on.
Suddenly I felt a deep pit in my stomach. Was something wrong with bailey? What if she's gonna die? What if she need surgery? What if-
"I heard about you call yourself a dolan" she blurted out.
"O-oh i didn't mean tooitjustcameout" I said really quickly. OH MY GOD SHE HEARD!!
"Hey" she touched my arm.
"It's okay" she reassured me.
I smiled and then nodded.
I looked over at my beautiful baby.

"God I sure hope so" I wispered to no one in particular.

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