"were back"

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"hey guys it's olivia and i'm here with grayson." "hey everyone" "so i'm gonna start this story from the beginning. grayson and i dated for almost 14 months before he decided to move to LA. the day he told me he was moving, was the day i was going to tell him i was pregnant. he told me his news first, and i respected his decisions obviously. i never told him about the baby. i mean he was moving to LA and i obviously wasn't going to make him stay. we knew long distance wouldn't work so we decided to break things off. there was no fight and we both agreed long distance wouldn't work because i obviously wasn't moving. i dropped both ethan and grayson off at the airport on monday i think? yeah monday. when they boarded the plane, i fell to my knees. it was hard. i'm not gonna lie. i heard a voice asking me if i was alright. i looked up and saw this girl. long story short her name was ava, we got coffee and this girl turned out to be very interesting and in the same situation as myself, she was pregnant but the dad left. after getting to know her, we moved in. we became like best friends. one day she started to notice things weren't right. we went to the hospital and she miscarriaged. we came back home and she was being so so rude to me. like calling me nasty names, smoking, drinking, coming home like naked practically. i couldn't stand raising a baby there so i moved out. into this house. things were going good. i got a comment on one of my posts from a guy named nate."
i looked back at grayson would look tense.
i rubbed my hand on his thigh and smiled at him.
"nate seemed very nice so we dm'd for a while. nothing sexual at all just like the normal. we ended up meeting for coffee one day. everything was going great. nate was nice, we talked for awhile. it was great. on my way home."
tears filled my eyes.
"a semi hit me. at the time i thought it was just an accident b-but it turned out to be more. nate and a gang member names "ripsaw" were planning on killing me. ripsaw was the person that hit me with the semi. it was all planned. out."
i gasped out loud really loud and grayson came behind me and wrapped his arms around me.
i melted at his touch.
i continued on.
"when i got to the hospital, they had to preform an emergency c-section to try and keep the baby alive. the baby, our baby"
i pointed toward grayson.
"lived though that."
" i didn't know this but i was in a coma, which you all should know because i did make a video about it, and lisa and sean and cameron came to the hospital and when i woke up they were there for me and we all saw bailey. i ended up getting discharged but bailey had to stay. she was way to little. one specific day i came back to the hospital, as i did everyday, and there was this nurse. she was at the check in counter because i would have to check in everyday obviously. but she was new. i asked her if i could check in and ya know go see bailey, but she was being very very rude and then ended up slapping me. security ended up taking her and finding out that she was with nate and ripsaw, and the three of them were planning on murdering me."
my breath hitched and you could noticeably hear the concern in my voice.
"the three of them are in prison now so i'm safe and they will no longer have access to anything. ever. again."
"ethan and i got in contact and he came over and visited bailey and i. we had a great time the time he was here. he saw bailey, we hung out, it was a great time. and yes, ethan and i did kiss."
grayson tensed up.
"but it meant absolutely nothing to either of us"
he untensed.
"ethan ending up leaving. a few day after that, i got a call from the h-h-hospital."
tears filled my eyes.
"they needed me to c-come see bailey. i was already in a bad mood, so i missed my exit, about got in a bunch of different accidents. but i made it out safe. i ended up not parking correctly and i hit the door that was next to me. i freaked out and it turns out it was cameron. i told her something was wrong with bailey and we both rushed inside. cameron went upstairs, while i stayed downstairs in the lobby, sobbing. she went up and found out that m-m-m b-b"
i cut the camera because i couldn't finish.

gray picked me up so i was in his stomach and he started to tear up as well.
"i'm so sorry" i repeated over and over."
"hey, baby, shh"
"nothing was your fault. nothing at all you did absolutely nothing wrong babygirl" he cooed into my hair.
i pecked him on the lips quick and then turned my camera back on.
not bothering to get off of graysons lap.
"i-l i started crying again.
"cameron went up to the room bailey was in and the doctors told her that" my eyes teared up and i buried my head into grayson.
"and the doctors told cam that bailey had passed"
he choked back tears as well.
"long long story short ethan and i flew back and were here now. we're back"
he smiled.
i took my head out and smiled at him.
"bye guys thanks for understanding"
i said and cut the camera.

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