"love you too dear"

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Lisa pov— betcha you didn't see that coming ;)

"Also the baby is doing just fine. Still premature so she will need to stay in the hospital for a month or two and then Olivia can bring her home. Everything is just fine though." The doctor explained to us.
We all sighed in relief.
"Thank you, thank you so much!" I smiled and then hugged the doctor.
He was a bit taken back but then hugged back.
"Of course, Anything i can get you guys?" He asked after I released from the hug.
"No I think we are all good" Sean answered.
The doctor nodded and then shut the door to the room.
"So what happend?" Cam asked me.
(Cam is Cameron dolan Yeah)
"We don't really know. But she was brought in by ambulance and she was asking for me. I'm sure as soon as she wakes up, we will find out."
I told them. They nodded.
"Cam that's my phone can you answer it for me please." I said.
Cam was out in the kitchen playing a game with herself, while Sean and I were in the living room.
"Sure." She replied and then I heard her get up and my phone stop ringing.
"Hello" Cameron asked.
"No this is her daughter, Cameron"
"Oh, oh my god"
"Y-Yes we will be right there."
I heard her drop my phone on the counter and then run into the living room.
"M-mom Olivia, s-She got into an accident w-we need to get to the hospital."
Sean and I immediately stood up and put on our shoes quick and ran out the door.
Flashback over
Sean Cam and I were all still sitting in the room when we heard rustling around.
"what is that" I wispered.
I looked over to see Olivia waking up in bed.
I immediately rushed over to her.
"Olivia!" I said happily
She smiled softly and then choked out, "l-Lisa?" She asked as more of a question.
"Yes it's Lisa honey." I smiled and nodded at her.
She nodded in response and then her smiled turned into a panic looked.
"M-m-my b-b-Baby" She pancicked looking around. She started to shake.
"Hey, honey calm down. The baby is okay. Your okay. You just need rest. I will take care of your baby and everything just get some rest." I said caressing her forehead.
She untensed. Smiled and then said. "Thank you Lisa, l-love you" she said and closed her eyes

"Love you too dear"

pregnant/ gdTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang