"well im glad you have me"

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Me and Ava got out of our cars at the same time so we walked into Philz together. I ordered an iced almond milk latte. (I'm not tryna sound like Emma chambie but that's my fav drink sooo) Ava ordered an iced oat milk latte. We sat down.
"So why were you crying in the airport?" Ava asked taking a sip of her coffee.
"First off if I start breaking down I'm sorry." I said
"Hey it's okay I will be here for you." She said grabbing my hand.
"Where do I start,, let's see. I used to live with my parents but they really don't like me so I moved into my own apartment. Then I met this guy. His name was Grayson dolan." I was going to continue but Ava cut me of.
"Like Grayson dolan, famous vine and YouTuber?" Ava asked.
"Yes." I said blinking back tears.
"Anyway we started off as just friends and then we started dating. I was soo happy. He was just amazing in the relationship. But about 1 month ago. I found out something life changing." I was almost breaking down at this point.
"Olivia you can tell me anything." She said looking me In the eyes. I nodded and went on.
"I f-found out I I was p-p-pregnant." I completely fell apart after saying this. Ava let go off my hand and cane over to sit on the same side as me. She hugged me while I cried into her sweater.
"That's not the worst part." I managed to choke out. I wiped my tears and took a deep breath.
"He's moving to LA, he actually just left today. That's why I was crying at the airport. I never got to tell him." I said looking up at her. She had tears streaming down her face at the same time. "W-why are you crying." I asked her.
"Olivia, the same thing is happening to me. I'm pregnant but I already told my boyfriend. Thats why he- he left me." She said breaking down. "I'm so sorry. Hey were in this together." I said pulling her  chin up and smiling at her.
We got ourselves together finally and looked decent once again.
"Ava tell me more about yourself." I asked sipping coffee.
"Well my full name is Ava Funke, I'm 18 just  like you, my parents died when I was 12 so I was put into foster care. I moved out of the house I was living in when I turned 18. I met my boyfriend when I was 17. We moved in together the day after I turned 18. But he was abusive. He would come home drunk most nights and rape and abuse me. That's how I got pregnant. I'm 1 month right now. And I told him 2 days after I found out. He left the very next day. Haven't seen him since." She said sadly
"Well if he abused you then aren't you glad he's gone?" I asked.
"Hell ya I'm glad he's gone, I'm just not happy about the fact that I have to have this baby alone." She said looking down.
"Hey I'm here we will get through this together!" I said raising her head up.
"I was meaning to ask you, what about Ethan. Or do you have any other friends?" She asked.
"Ethan never liked me. I could never figure out why. He would roll his eyes at me. When me and Grayson would cuddle he would scoff. I don't know why he never liked me I never did anything to him. But whatever. And for other friends I have none. I graduated early.
"Well I'm glad you have me!" She said happily!

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