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"You can't catch me Peter!" A seven year old Caroline yelled.

"I'm going to get you Caroline!" A seven year old Peter yelled back to his friend.

The two continued chasing each other for a while until Caroline's mother and older brother Josh arrived.

"Caroline, sweetie. We need to go, we got a long way to go to get to our new home."

"New home?" Peter asked.

"I'm sorry Peter, but we're leaving. My dad wants us to move to... Mom where are we going again?"


"Yeah, we're going to that place." Caroline responded.

"But what about us? We're best friends." Peter said, tears starting to well up in his eyes.

"Don't worry. You two can talk on the phone." Caroline's mom reasoned.

The two seven year olds hugged each other, tears silently streaming down their faces.

"Don't worry, you'll always be my best friend Peter."

"And you'll always be my best friend." Peter responded.

Caroline, her brother, and mother loaded into their car and drove off towards their new home, Caroline waving back to Peter.

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