Chapter 3

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Previously on Back to You...

"Caroline?" They both asked.

It took a second for her to realize who was sitting in front of her.

"Hey Harry and Peter. Long time no see." She said with a smile.

"What-what are you doing back here?" Peter stammered.

"I just moved back yesterday with Josh and my mom."

"It's good to see you again. How's everything been?" Harry asked.

"It's been good. Dad wants us back in his life so he's the one who arranged for us to move back."

"Y-Your dad?" Peter asked.

"Yeah. He's never really been in our lives but he wants to try now so we'll see what happens." Caroline shrugged, picking at her food.

"Hey Caroline. Peter, Harry, and I were going to build the new Lego Death Star I got. Would you maybe want to come help us?" Ned asked.

"Yeah, I don't know how much help I'll be." Harry said with a laugh.

"Sure. I would love to. Plus I can catch up with Harry and Peter and get to know you more."

"Great. We'll be at Peter's apartment. Say maybe 6:00?"

"Sounds good."

"Don't worry Caroline, I'll come pick you up so you don't get lost." Harry said.

Later that evening, Caroline, Josh and their mom were eating dinner when their mom asked how their day was.

"It was okay. I got put in shop class which is the only class even remotely interesting to me." Josh said.

"You're just like your father." Their mother sighed. "How about you Caroline?"

"It was good. I saw Harry and Peter and got to catch up with them and I met one of their friends."

"Oh how are they doing?"

"They're really good. Oh and before I forget, they invited me to help them build a Lego Death Star with them tonight. Is that okay?"

"Of course sweetheart. Do you need a ride?"

"No, Harry said he would come pick me up. He should be here soon."

They finished up eating and Josh and Caroline went to clean up the dishes in the kitchen when they heard a crash from next door.

"What was that?" Josh asked.

Caroline just shrugged her shoulders and continued cleaning.

There was a knock at the door and Caroline answered it.

"Hey, sorry I was late. Traffic was bad." Harry said.

"It's fine. Mom, I'm heading out."

"Oh. Wait a second. I wanted to say hello to Harry really quick." Her mother replied, coming to hug Harry.

"Hello Ms. Cooper. It's good to see you again." Harry responded, returning the hug.

"I can't believe how big you've gotten. It seems just like yesterday a three year old you, Caroline and Peter were running around. And now look at you, practically all grown up."

"Alright mom. We're already running late so we need to get going. Love you."

"Love you too sweetie. Nice seeing you again Harry."

They walked out the door and Caroline turned to Harry.

"So how far is Pete's?"

"Not very far." Harry said, walking next door and knocking on the door.

The door opened and they were greeted by May.

"Oh Harry. We were just about to head out for Thai. Do you want to come?"

"I was actually here to help build Ned's new Lego set and I brought help." Harry said pointing to Caroline.

"Oh hello." May said, then looked back at Caroline. "Caroline is that you?"

"It is."

"Oh look at you. It's been forever since I've seen you. What brings you back?"

"We actually just moved back and we actually live next door."

"Well I'm definitely going to have to go visit your mother. Peter and Ned are in his room. You guys are more than welcome to join Peter and I to get Thai."

"That's okay. I just ate. Thank you though."

Peter walked out of his room with Ned.

"Hey Caroline." Ned waved.

"Hey. Where's the Lego Death Star?" Caroline responded.

Ned and Peter both looked at each other wondering how to explain it without Ned spilling Peter's secret.

"Well, you see....Ned dropped it and it shattered all over the ground." Peter said, spreading his arms out for emphasis.

"Yeah...and I was just...leaving." Ned said, walking out the door quickly.

Harry and Caroline just looked at each other.

"Okay, well I think I'm just going to go. It was good seeing you Ms. Parker." Caroline said.

"Oh please Caroline. Call me May."

"Alright. Bye May, bye Peter."

Harry and Caroline walked out the door.

"Well that was"

"Awkward." Harry finished.

"I was going to say weird but whatever. I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Alright. And hey, I know it's hard with your dad but he's trying. Just give him some time."

Caroline hugged Harry.

"Thank you Harry. How's things going with your dad?"

"Strained as usual. But what can you do?" Harry shrugged.

"We're just two teens with father issues."

"Yeah." He chuckled. "Well I better get home. See you later."

"Bye Harry."

Caroline walked into her apartment and into her room and pulled out the secret project she had been working on.

"Just a little more work and then it'll be done." Caroline said to herself, inspecting the suit she had made for herself.

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