Chapter 6

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A week had passed and Caroline had continued going out as Blue Electric and her and Spider-Man had become a good crime-fighting duo. At school, she had become close to Liz Allen, the captain of the Academic Decathlon and she had become close to Michelle as well and the two would talk over books they had read. She was currently in gym class doing sit-ups with Michelle when Ned yelled out something.

"Peter knows Spider-Man!"

At that, the whole gym froze and stared at the two.

"I-I mean I met him through the Stark Internship but I'm not really supposed to talk about it." Peter said, looking at Ned when he said the last part.

'Stark internship?' Caroline thought. 'Since when did dad do those?'

"Well maybe you should invite your pal Spider-Man to Liz's party Friday." Flash said.

"You're having a party?" Peter said.

"Yeah. You're more than welcome to come."

"Yeah. Sure. Can I invite my friends?"


After gym, Peter came up to Caroline and asked her if she wanted to go to Liz's party.

"Sure Pete." She replied.

When school ended, Caroline headed to Stark Industries to see her dad. She went up to her dad's office and walked in, sitting on the couch.

"Hey sweetheart. How was school?"

"Same as usual. The decathlon team is getting ready for the competition in D.C."

"That sounds fun."

"It's a little stressful but I'll manage."

They were quiet for a minute until Caroline decided to bring the subject up.

"Hey dad. Do you remember my friend Peter Parker?"

"Yeah. What's up with him?"

"He said something about him having an internship here with you. Is that true? I thought you didn't do those."

"Normally I don't but Mr. Parker is a very exceptional student and I couldn't turn him down."

"Okay....." Caroline said, unsure if he was telling the truth or not.

"Well I better go dad. I got a lot of homework to get done."

"Alright sweetheart. I love you. And tell your mother and brother I said hello."

"Will do dad. Love you too." She replied, walking out of the room.

Caroline got home and she put on her suit and headed out. She was currently on top of a building, observing down below and thinking back to how weird her dad was acting earlier when she brought up Peter. She knew for a fact he didn't do internships with high school students. So that left her wondering what was he hiding from her?

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