Chapter 7

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Friday had rolled around and Caroline was getting ready for Liz's party when Josh walked into her room.

"Ooo where are you going?"

"Liz's party."

"So no movie marathon?"

"Sorry Josh."

"It's fine."

Caroline looked at the time.

"Oh I got to go. Peter said May would take him, Ned and I over to Liz's. Love you bro."

"Love you too sis. And don't do anything stupid!"

"No promises." Caroline said as she ran out the door.

When they arrived at Liz's, the three teens walked in, Peter and Ned whispering to each other.

"You know what, I'm just going to be myself." Peter said.

"Peter, no one wants that." Ned said.


"Ned!" Peter and Caroline said at the same time.

"Hey guys, you made it." Liz said, walking up to them.

"Yeah, great party Liz." Peter said.

"Oh and Caroline, are we still on for hanging out later?" Liz asked.

"Yeah totally."

As Liz and Caroline were talking, Peter disappeared to change into his suit. While changing, he saw a bright blue blast and went over to check it out.

Meanwhile, back at the party, Ned and Caroline were looking everywhere for Peter.

"Where could he have disappeared off to?" Caroline asked.

"I don't know. Let me try calling him."

As Peter was watching the weapons deal, his phone went off, alerting the criminals that he was there. As he tried to stop them, a flying robot bird picked him up into the sky and dropped him into a lake. Seconds later, the Iron-Man suit rescued him and Tony told him to stay out and away from this.

Back at the party, Caroline was playing a game with Liz, Betty and some other girls.

"Alright Caroline. If you don't answer this question, you have to drink the mayonnaise and soy sauce shot glass." Betty said.

"Eww. Who's idea was it to play this game again?" Caroline asked.

"Honestly I don't remember. Anyways your question is do you have a crush currently and if so who is it?" Betty said.

"Technically that's two questions." Caroline pointed out.

"Oh come on answer it. Spill the tea." Liz said jokingly.

Caroline thought about it and weighed her options. She did currently have a crush but she wasn't going to reveal it to the group. She couldn't. Plus they would make a big deal out of it and she knew she didn't even have a chance with the guy. Caroline quickly made her decision and took the shot.

"Oh my god! I can't believe you did that!" The girls cringed.

"Yeah well I think I'm done with this game. I'm going to go get a drink to wash this down." Caroline said, standing up and excusing herself. On the way to the kitchen she ran into Ned who was on the phone.

"Dude, I don't think you should come back." Ned said into the phone and held it out so the person on the phone could hear how Flash was leading a chant about Peter.

Ned hung up and looked at Caroline.

"Was that Peter?"


"Where'd he even go?"


Before Ned could answer, the chants Flash was leading got louder and Caroline, fed up with it, walked up to Flash and grabbed the mic.

"Seriously Eugene?"

"Don't call me that Cooper. And lighten up, we're just having some fun."

"Yeah well I wouldn't call making fun of someone who's literally done nothing to you fun and entertaining."

"How about we make a deal?"

"Flash I want nothing to do with you."

"No, I think this might interest you."

"Fine. What is your deal?"

"Go out with me on a date and I will leave Penis Parker alone."

"For the rest of the school year?"

"That might cost you two dates sweet cheeks."

"Okay fine. But you are not allowed to call me any names other than my birth, legal name and no kissing."

"Alright Caroline. I will accept that. Do we have a deal?" Flash said putting his hand out.

"We have a deal."

Caroline walked towards Ned murmuring to herself 'what did I just get myself into?'

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