Chapter 8

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The next day, Caroline was watching tv in her pajamas when there was a knock at the front door. Caroline went to open it and Harry came in and put his hands through his hair.

"Gee Harry come right in. Make yourself at home." Caroline joked.

"What were you thinking?" Harry asked.

"I'm great too. Thanks for asking."

"Caroline I'm serious!" Harry said.

"Okay well you have to be more specific. I've done a lot of things and made a lot of mistakes. I'm Tony Stark's daughter for crying out loud."

"What was that with Flash last night? He's posted all over social media how he scored two dates with the hottest girl in school."

"I wouldn't say I'm the hottest girl in school." Caroline murmured.

"Caroline! Focus!"

"Okay yes, I did agree to two dates but it was the only way to get him off Peter's back. He led a chant last night with everyone calling him Penis Parker and Peter wasn't even there. So yes I reluctantly agreed to two dates but he's not allowed to call me any pet names and no kissing."

"What do you mean Peter wasn't there?"

"That's seriously the only thing you got from my explanation? He disappeared and Ned kept trying to call him and when he finally picked up, Ned said not to come back because of the chant and Ned said that it looked like they were still losers. I'm sorry but I'm not going to stand for someone picking on my friends and make them feel bad. So of course I was going to do something."


"That's all you got to say?"

"I mean what you did was an amazing thing to do. I'm sorry you have to go on two dates with Flash though."

"I'll get through it."

"Betty also said something about a crush you have?"

"Ugh. I didn't even answer the questions. Why is it such a big deal?"

"Maybe because you like someone finally."

"Yeah well he doesn't like me back so it doesn't even matter."

"Well he must be blind to how amazing of a girl you are."

"Thanks Harry. Want to watch some movies?"

"As long as no rom-coms are on the list."

"Of course not. Who do you think I am?"

The two teens sat on the couch and began their movie marathon.

Caroline went out later that night on patrol. She was currently perched on top of a building scouting when she heard a thump behind her.

"Hey Blue."

"Hey bug boy."

Spider-Man groaned at the name.

"So any crime yet?"

"Not so far. It's been pretty quiet. Oh and before I forget, here." Caroline handed Spider-Man something that looked like a digital watch.

"Uh....thanks?" Spider-Man replied.

"It's like a pager. Press this button and it sends a message to me that you need backup. I have one too. It'll only work to send messages to me or you though."

"This is cool. Thank you. Did you make these?"

"Yeah. I figured since it's just kind of become a thing for us to fight crime together that this would help us out if we needed help or backup and one of us wasn't there."

"Well thank you. You know, I think I like the idea of having a crime fighting partner."

"Me too Spidey. Me too."

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