Chapter 12

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The following week at school, everyone was talking about how Spider-Man saved the Decathlon students in D.C. As Caroline was walking through the halls, Harry caught up to her and hugged her.

"How are you doing?"

"Honestly, I'm doing a lot better. I was shaken up at first but it helped me realize just how short life can be. I'm actually thinking about asking my crush to homecoming, that is if I don't chicken out." Caroline replied, letting out a chuckle.

"Well if you need help or anything, I'm here."

"Thanks Harry."

"Oh and before I forget, Peter got detention for skipping in D.C."

"How'd you know?"

"I was walking with Pete when the principal called him into his office."

"Oh. Well to be honest, he had it coming. He's been acting so weird lately. He skipped out on Liz's party, him and Ned are always whispering about something, and then he skipped out in D.C." Caroline said.

"Yeah. I wonder what he's hiding."

As they were walking, Caroline suddenly stopped.

"Oh my god."


"Nothing. I just- I gotta go." Caroline said, running towards the doors.

'It all makes sense now. Peter and Ned always whispering and getting quiet when I walk up. Peter disappearing in D.C. but Spider-Man showing up randomly.' Caroline thought 'But Peter couldn't be Spider-Man. Could he?'

Meanwhile, Peter was currently interrogating one of the criminals he had interacted with at the weapons deal.

"I don't know who he is or where he is. I do know where he's going to be though."

"Really? That's great. Thank you."

As Peter started walking away, the guy called out to him.

"You don't know where he'll be though."

"Oh yeah."

"Staton Island ferry. 11:00."

Peter made it to the ferry just in time and tried to find the guy. He followed them when he suddenly got a call from Tony Stark. After cutting him off and hanging up, Peter swung down and started fighting the guys. Suddenly, he heard voices tell them to freeze and that they were the FBI. At that moment, the winged man appeared with an alien tech gun and started shooting. As Peter tried to protect everyone and web up the gun, it went off, sending a blast that split the ferry in half.

"No!" Peter said as he shot webs and tried to hold the ferry together.

It was at that moment that Ironman showed up and things only got worse for Peter.

"May, I'm sure he'll show up soon. Try to relax. Do you want me to make you some tea?" Caroline asked as she watched a frantic May pace the apartment.

"No thank you sweetie. Did you hear from Harry?"

"He hasn't seen Peter either."

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. May opened it and let out a sigh and turned back around. Peter walked in in hello kitty pajama pants and a baggy shirt. Caroline stood up and went towards him.

"I've been calling you all day. I called five of your friends, I called five police stations, I called Ned's mother. Caroline came over as soon as she heard and helped me call around."

"May, I'm fine."

"Cut the crap! I know you snuck out in D.C., I know you skipped detention and I know you sneak out of the house every night. You have to tell me what's going on Peter! Just lay it out!"

Peter's eyes started tearing up and he looked down.

"I lost the Stark Internship." Peter choked out.

"What?" May said.

"I just thought I could work really hard and he would, you know. But I just screwed everything up."

"It's okay." May kept muttering.

"I'm sorry I made you worry. You too Caroline."

"You're fine and everything's fine. That's all that matters now." Caroline chimed in.

"She's right. You know I used to sneak out too." May said.

May smelt Peter.

"And take a shower while you're at it. You smell like garbage."

"Can I talk to Peter first in his room May?" Caroline asked.


Peter and Caroline walked to his room and Caroline shut the door and turned to look at Peter.

"I know."

"Know what?"

"I know you're Spider-Man."

"How-how do you-"

"You constantly bail on us, you snuck out in D.C and disappeared and Spider-Man randomly shows up to save us at the monument. Not to mention where were you today? You left close to the time the ferry took off."

"Fine." Peter sighed heavily. "You know now. Are you happy?" Peter asked, throwing his hands in the air.

"Let me finish. I know why you didn't tell me. I have a few secrets of my own." Caroline replied, lifting her shirt up to reveal her suit.

"You're Blue Electric?"

"Yeah. And um- my father um- is Tony Stark."



"So did the Stark Internship give it away too?"

"A little yeah. He doesn't really do internships and when I asked him about it he gave an excuse I saw right through of."


"Why didn't you call me?" Caroline asked pointing to the watch she gave him.

"I needed to do this. Your dad wouldn't believe me and neither would Happy."

"I would've."

"I'm sorry Caroline."

"It's fine. It's getting late. I'll see you tomorrow."

And with that Caroline left.

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