Chapter 2

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Caroline was in a deep sleep when her mother woke her up the next morning.

"Caroline, Josh. Time to get up for school. Your breakfast is on the table!"

"Ugh." Caroline said as she slowly got out of bed, still half asleep and slipping onto the floor.

"What was that noise?" Their mom called out.

"It's too early!" Caroline groaned.

"I know sweetheart but you have to go to school."

"I got this mom." Josh said as he walked into Caroline's room, grabbed her feet and dragged her to the kitchen, her blanket still wrapped around her.

"See, you get me." Caroline said, eyes still closed.

"Yeah, yeah." Josh replied, rolling his eyes.

The two teens sat at the table and ate their breakfast quietly.

"Will we have any classes together? I don't wanna be alone." Caroline said, laying her head on her brother's arm.

"Probably not. You're a sophomore and I'm a senior."

"So that means I have to talk to new people and interact with them?"

"Geez, you're so needy and clingy in the mornings." Josh said with a chuckle.

"You still love me though."

"That I do."

"Alright kids, go get dressed, you're going to miss the train."

"You would think dad would've given us a car or arranged a ride." Caroline mumbled to Josh as they headed to their rooms.

"One step at a time Care. At least he wants to make an effort to be in our lives again."

"Why do you call me Care?"

"I could call you Care Bear." Josh smirked.

"Do it and you're dead." Caroline said, holding up her hand, electricity arching across her fingers.

They headed to their rooms and once they were ready, they said goodbye to their mom and headed to school.

They headed to their rooms and once they were ready, they said goodbye to their mom and headed to school

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"Think we'll see any of our old friends?" Caroline asked Josh as they walked down the street.

"Maybe. They probably won't remember us though. Why, you wanna see Peter Parker again?" Josh said with a smirk.

"Well yeah, he was my best friend. And so was Harry."

"You and Harry only met because of dad though."

"Still. He understood me when I felt like no one, including Peter did. He was like another brother to me."

"Who knows, you might see them."

"And I was thinking too."

"Oh no, that's never good." Josh said with a laugh.

"I'm serious Josh. What if I became a superhero?"

"I don't know Caroline. It's dangerous. Even though mom and I know of your powers, mom would never approve. Dad, I'm not so sure."

"But Josh, Spider-Man looks like he's a teen and he's out crime fighting."

"Wow sis, we just moved back and you're already obsessed."

"I'm not obsessed, he just intrigues me."

"I still don't know sis. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Fine." Caroline said giving in.

They arrived to school and headed their separate ways to their first class.

Caroline sat down and a guy came and sat next to her.

"Hey, my name's Ned. You must be new." Ned said, stretching out his hand.

"Caroline." She replied, shaking his hand.

Caroline pulled out her binder that was covered in a collage of Star Wars pictures.

"Woah, that's so cool." Ned said.

"Thanks. You like Star Wars?"

"Like it? I love it!"

"That's really cool. Most people just call me a geek or nerd for liking it."

"You seem pretty cool to me. My friends would love you. You want to sit with us at lunch?"


Throughout the rest of the morning, Caroline still couldn't believe that she had made a new friend and possible other ones on the first day.

Meanwhile, Ned was with Harry and Peter at Peter's locker talking, when Ned brought up Caroline.

"So I met this girl in first period that's new to the school and she loves Star Wars. She seems pretty cool and I invited her to sit with us at lunch."

"That's cool. What's her name?" Harry asked.


"Huh." Harry said.

"What?" Ned asked.

"It's just that Peter and I used to have a friend named Caroline eight years ago."


"Yeah. The three of us were really close but Peter and her were closer. Isn't that right Pete?" Harry said, nudging Peter, who was looking at Liz Allen, with his elbow.

"Huh? What?" Peter asked.

"Dude, just ask her out already." Harry said.

"Easy for you to say Mr. Popular. Girls always go to you. What girl would ever want me? Especially a girl like Liz."

"You'll find someone Peter. Let's go get some lunch."

Once the three boys had got settled at the table with their food, Harry asked Ned a question.

"So what's this girl look like?"

"Wait, what girl?" Peter asked.

"Were you not paying attention to the conversation in the hallway?" Ned asked.

"No, he was too busy looking at Liz." Harry replied.

Just as Ned was about to start describing what Caroline looked like, he spotted her and waved her down.

"Caroline." He called out waving.

As she approached, Harry and Peter looked at her, then at each other and back to her.

"Caroline?" They both asked.

It took a second for her to realize who was sitting in front of her.

"Hey Harry and Peter. Long time no see." She said with a smile.

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