Chapter 4

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The next morning, Caroline woke up to her alarm ringing.

"Ugh, why does school have to start so early?!" Caroline groaned.

Caroline got ready and headed out to the kitchen.

"She lives!" Josh called out when she walked into the dining area.

Caroline rolled her eyes at him and sat down to eat. When she finished there was a knock at the door.

"Hi Ms. Cooper. I came to walk with Caroline to school." Peter said.

"Of course. Did you want anything to eat before you guys head out?"

"No thanks. I just ate before I came over."

Caroline walked over to the couch and grabbed her bag.

"Ready to go?" Peter asked.

"I think so. I got my keys and my wallet. I think I'm good." Caroline replied.

"Alright then. Let's go."

The two headed out and started their trek toward school.

"Sorry about last night. Something unexpected happened so Ned had to leave."

"Is this before or after he dropped the Death Star?"

"After." Peter said with a chuckle.

The two walked a few minutes in silence until Caroline broke it.

"So what's new with you? I haven't seen you in eight years."

"Well I guess you already know about Uncle Ben dying. Other than that, nothing much."

"Any special girl in your life?"

"There's a girl that I like but there's no way she would go out with me."

"Why not?"

"Well she's popular and amazing and pretty, and I'm me." Peter said, gesturing to himself.

"You're not so bad. And if she's as great as you say, then maybe she'll come around to see just how amazing you are."

"She's captain of the Academic Decathlon. Speaking of which, you should join us. Ned and I are on the team and we have nationals in a few months."

"You think I can handle it?"

"Of course. And Ned and I will be there to help you if you need it."

"Alright. Then maybe I will tryout."

After school, Peter led Caroline to where the Decathlon meetings took place so she could tryout. Fifteen minutes later of quizzing and she was being accepted onto the team.

"I told you you would make it." Peter said.

"Yeah congrats Caroline." Ned said.

"Thanks guys."

Caroline and Peter headed home and when Caroline walked in her apartment, she was greeted by someone she hadn't expected to see.


"Hi sweetheart."

The two hugged.

"What are you doing here?"

"I thought I would check in to see how you guys were settling in. How's school so far?"

"It's great. I was able to reconnect with Harry and Peter and met a new friend."

"Peter Parker?" Her dad asked.

"Yeah. We were friends when we were little and when we moved we lost contact with each other."

"How's Harry?"

"He's good. Oh yeah and I almost forgot, I made the Academic Decathlon!"

"I didn't know you were trying out honey." Her mom said, walking into the living room from the kitchen.

"Well Peter and his friend Ned convinced me and I made it."

"Congrats sweetheart. I'm glad the school's working out." Her father replied.

"I am too. Thank you dad for getting us to move back."

"Anything for you guys. Speaking of which, your mother and I have been talking and you and your brother will be able to come visit me at the tower for the next few months until everything's moved upstate."

"You're moving upstate?" Josh and Caroline asked at the same time.

"The avengers facility got relocated. Don't worry, the facility has rooms for you so you guys can visit whenever."

"When are you moving?"

"Middle of October."

"Okay. Well I need to get this homework done. The only down side of this school is all the homework assigned."

"Alright sweetheart. It was good seeing you and you can come visit whenever, just call right before to make sure I'm not in a meeting or something."

"Alright dad. Love you."

"Love you too."

Caroline walked to her room and worked on her homework. An hour later, she took out the suit she had been working on.

"Let's go test you out." Caroline said.

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