Chapter 13

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"So what'd he say?" Caroline asked Peter as he walked out of the principal's office.

"Well I probably have detention for the rest of the school year."

"Hey, I mean look on the bright side, it could've been a lot worse."

"That's true."

Caroline stopped and pulled Peter over to the side of the hallway.

"Listen I know you're still bummed about what my dad did and everything but don't let that keep you down."

"I know but you didn't see him. He was so angry and upset with me."

"Yeah I know how that goes. I've been on the receiving end of that many times. Don't let the suit define who you are though. You are a hero with or without the suit."

"I don't know Care. I think I just need a break for a while from being a superhero."

"Hey, that's completely understandable. So what do you say to a movie night with me, Harry, Ned and Michelle tonight at my place?"

"Don't you need to go out and patrol?"

"I can take one night off to spend time with my friends. Plus you've been feeling down and I'm going to turn that frown upside down."

Peter chuckled.

"Thank you Caroline. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. Now let me go let Ned, Harry and Michelle know. Bring your comfy clothes because everyone most likely will stay the night."

"Alright. See you later."

Later that afternoon, Caroline was setting up for their movie night when Harry came in.

"How's my favorite sister doing?"

"Harry, how'd you get in?"

"Your mom gave me a key duh."

"Why'd she do that?"

"Cause she loves me."

"Yeah yeah. Come and help me set everything up. I need to get the full air mattress and the twin one blown up."

"You know, this is really nice. That you're doing this for Peter."

"Yeah well I would do this for any of you guys if you were going through a rough patch."

"And that's why you are so amazing. You have such a kind heart."

"Alright stop being so sappy. You sound like my mom." Caroline giggled.

"So did you ask your crush to homecoming?"

"Not yet. There just hasn't been a good time."

"Well you better do it soon."

"I know, I know."

Ten minutes later and Michelle, Ned and Peter arrived.

"So I have snacks, drinks, blankets, and pillows set up. Michelle can sleep with me and you guys can figure out the rest. Peter you want to do the honors of picking the first movie?"

The rest of the night, the teens watched Star Wars until they drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Caroline was the first to wake up and went to the kitchen and started making pancakes for everyone.

A few minutes later, Peter walked in rubbing his eyes.

"Morning Care."

"Morning Pete. How are you feeling?"

"I feel a lot better. I kinda forgot how nice it is just to sit and relax with friends. Thank you. For everything."

"Of course. Want to help me finish making these pancakes and then if Harry is still asleep we can play a prank on him."

"Of course."

Once they were finished making the pancakes, Caroline grabbed Josh's shaving cream and a feather. Her and Peter walked to her bedroom and Peter gently put some shaving cream in Harry's hand. Caroline gently brushed the feather against his nose and moved back when Harry's hand went to scratch his face. Peter and Caroline tried to stifle a laugh when Harry's eyes opened. He groaned and looked at the two teens. Noticing that they were laughing, he looked down to his hand and noticed the shaving cream.

"Oh you two are so dead."

Harry got up and started chasing them around the apartment.

"You'll never catch us." Peter said.

"Oh yeah?" Harry asked.

Harry eventually got Caroline and rubbed the shaving cream on her face.

"Eww Harry. Now I have to wash my face off."

"Well don't prank me."

"You can't stop me."

Harry looked at Peter.

"Pete, I think Caroline needs to learn her lesson."

"Oh no." Caroline said.

"Oh yes." Peter and Harry said with grins on their faces as they walked towards Caroline and started tickling her. Caroline started laughing.

"Please. No. Stop. I'll do anything." Caroline said in between giggles.

"Anything?" Harry asked.

Caroline shook her head trying to calm herself down. Harry picked her up bridle style and threw her to Peter, who caught her easily and they continued to toss her back and forth.

"Alright. Can you set me down? If you don't, both of you don't get pancakes."

Peter immediately set Caroline down and she chuckled to herself as she went to get Ned and Michelle to eat.

"What was that noise?" Michelle asked when Caroline walked in.

"Peter and I pranked Harry."

"Is that why shaving cream is on your face?" Ned asked.

"Yeah. Come on breakfast is ready."

After breakfast, Caroline cleaned up, Harry headed home, Michelle went to the library, and Peter and Ned went to his apartment to rebuild the Lego Death Star that Ned had dropped. Caroline decided to head out on patrol and when she got back, went straight to sleep.

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