Chapter 5

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Caroline put on her suit and mask and crawled out her window. She flew to the top of one of the buildings and watched the city go by down below.

"What's someone like you doing up here this late at night?" Spider-Man asked.

"Just checking for crime."

"Who are you? I've never seen you before."

"That's because I just arrived back in New York. My name's Blue Electric."

"Well I guess you already know I'm Spider-Man. So what's your powers?"

"Electricity and I can fly by manipulating the energy around me."

"That's so cool."

As the two were watching the city, they noticed what looked like a bank robbery.

"Ready for your first criminal take down?"

"Criminal take down? Really?"

"Well I mean that's what it is." Spider-Man said scratching his head.

As he stood there, Caroline flew down to the scene and scoped it out.

Spider-Man swung down and went towards the bank.

'What is he doing?' Caroline thought.

She followed him into the bank and by the time she had made it in, he was attacking the bank robbers. She let out a few lighting bolts, not strong enough to kill them, and when the bank robber was knocked unconscious, she noticed the rest of the bank robbers had some strange technology and Spider-Man had been caught in its path. She tried to short circuit it but whatever the technology was, it wasn't able to be short circuited. As Spider-Man was trying to get ahold of and stop the guy, the blast hit across the street into the bodega.

"Oh no! Mr. Delemar." Spider-Man said as he ran into the now burning bodega.

"Spider-Man." Caroline called out, running after him.

A minute later the heroes reappeared, Spider-Man carrying Mr. Delemar and Caroline carrying his cat.

Once everything was taken care of, Caroline headed back home and crawled in through her window.

"And what do we have here?" Josh asked, sitting at her desk, arms crossed.

"Josh, I just-I"

"You went out to be a superhero after we talked and I advised you not to. Do you know how mom's going to freak finding out her superhuman daughter is sneaking out to fight crime?"

"I know. I just- I can't sit around doing nothing. I did while we were in Pennsylvania but I can't anymore. I have these powers and if I can save someone, then that's what I want and am going to do."

"I'm just worried about you."

"I know. But I want to do this. I may not be able to save the world like dad but I mean, tonight I helped stop a bank robbery with Spider-Man and we rescued a man who owns the bodega across the street. So if I can do one little thing to help someone, I'm going to do it."

"Does dad know?"

"No and I really don't want him finding out about my powers or my alter ego."

"Alright. I'll help keep your secret but mom's going to find out. As soon as you end up on the news, she's going to know its you."

"And we'll cross that road when and if we get there."

"Just be careful okay. I'm going to go to bed but I love you sis."

"I love you too."

After they hugged, Caroline changed out of her suit and went to bed as well.

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